委托书 英语(7篇)


英文委托书 篇一

Client: gender: x x x x x x id: x x x x x x x x x x x x x is the principal: gender: x x x x x x id: x x x x x x x x x x x x x

For himself in the provincial and the job is busy, can't personally to deal with x x x x x x x relevant formalities, hereby entrust x x x x as my legal agent, authorized representative I deal with related matters, signed in to the trustor in handling the matters of related documents, I have to be recognized, and bear corresponding legal responsibilities.

Entrust deadline: since the date of signing to the above items is done.

The principal:

(date) (month) (year)

英文委托书 篇二

Consigner: xxx, ID Card No.:xxxxxxxxxxxx

Trustee: xxx, ID Card No.:xxxxxxxxxxx

The consignor xxx and the trustee xxx was registered to marry on Sept.7, 19xx. On August 25, 20xx, their son xxx was born. Now, the consignor xxx entrust her husband xxx being fully resp chayi5.co chayi5.com monsible for all the affairs regarding their son xxx during his staying in foreign country from August 2, 20xx to August 19, 20xx.

The period validity of the letter of attorney is from signing the letter of attorney to the son gets back to China.

The Trustee has no entrustment transferring right.

Consigner: xxx

June 27, 20xx








委托书英文 篇三



按照 组建、总部在意大利的 公司,现授权 律师事务所执业律师 (执业证号: )代表我公司行使以下权利:

。(hereinafter called Corporation), incorporated by the Code and having its principal executive office in the city of Bergamo, Italy, hereby appoint and empower Attorney Meredith Lee, who is a Certified attorney in LAW FIRM, Guangdong (License No. ), to be my agent ad item. Corporation further appoint and empower the above-mentioned attorney to:

1. 根据案件具体情况,向中国有管辖权的法院提起民事诉讼。

Pursuant to the actual situation and bring civil litigations to the People’s courts that have jurisdiction over the lawsuits.

2. 在根据本授权书1授权所提起的诉讼中代表我行使诉讼程序中的全部权利和义务。特别授权:在一审、二审程序中行使包括但不限于以下权利:

Exercise all the rights and assume all the obligations on my behalf in the litigations that are brought according to the above 1. Special agency: to exercise the following rights (including but not limited to) in the first instance and second instance on my behalf,

a)提起诉讼和提出诉讼请求; To bring litigations and lay claims;


To deliver evidences and other related documents to the courts;

c)签署并接收法院发出的各种文书;To sign and receive legal paper issues by the courts;

d)诉讼各环节的出庭; To appear in the court whenever needed in the process of litigation;


To apply to the courts that have jurisdiction to enforce the binding judgments, decisions, mediation documents and other legal paper;


To express the opinions on the result of the cases on my behalf in verbal form as well as in written form;

3. 该授权书可适用于在授权有效期内发生的多个诉讼行为,均有授权的效力。

This Power of Attorney shall be applied to more than one litigations within the term of validity.

4. 在为了授权人的利益时,被授权人可以授权他人行使被授权人因本授权书获得的部分权利。

The above-mentioned attorney may, in the principal’s interests, entrust the others to exercise part of the power entrusted in this Power of Attorney.

委托期限自授权委托书签订之日起至 。

We hereby confirm that this Power of Attorney shall remain in full force from the date of signature to .


IN WITNESS WHEREOF I cause this Power of Attorney to be duly signed.

授权人签名:  Signature:

签订日期:  Date:

委托书英文 篇四


I, the name of legal representative, the undersigned legal representative of the company name of the bidder, hereby authorize the undersigned the name of the duly authorized representative to be true and lawful representative of the Company from the date of this letter of authorization to act for and on behalf of the Company with legally binding effect for and in respect of to sign the bids. And I acknowledge all the contents contained in the bids signed by the authorized representative It is hereby authorized.

Name of the Company: (official seal)

Legal representative: (signature)

Authorized representative: (signature)

英文委托书 篇五







英文委托书 篇六

The undersigned hereby authorizes __________________________________________ as the undersigned's agent and attorney-in-fact (the “Agent”), with full power and authority to enter into contracts for the purchase, receipt, sale (including short sale) and delivery of, whether directly or indirectly through investments in managed investment products or otherwise, foreign currency contracts, options on foreign currency contracts, and other such forward contracts and options thereon, securities, equity, debt and related investments (collectively “Contracts”) on margin or otherwise, in one or more accounts (“Account”) with IFX Markets Inc. (“Commerce”)。

In all such transactions, as well as management decisions relating to the Account, Commerce is hereby authorized to follow the instructions of the Agent; the Agent is authorized to act on behalf of the undersigned in the same manner and with the same force and effect as the undersigned might or could with respect to such transactions, the making and taking of deliveries and with respect to all other things necessary or incidental to the furtherance and/or conduct of the Account.

Commerce shall have no liability for following the instructions of the Agent, and the undersigned shall never attempt to hold Commerce liable for the Agent's actions or inactions. The undersigned understands that Commerce does not, by implication or otherwise, endorse the operating methods of such Agent. The undersigned hereby releases Commerce from any and all liability to the undersigned or to anyone claiming through the undersigned with respect to damage, losses or lost profits sustained or alleged to have been sustained as a result of Commerce following the Agent's instructions or for any matter arising out of the relationship between the Agent and the undersigned and shall indemnify Commerce from any and all losses, damages, liabilities and expenses, of any kind or nature whatsoever, arising therefrom. The undersigned agrees to hold Commerce harmless and to indemnify it as to any expense, damage or liability sustained by it with respect to any and all acts and practices of the Agent and attorney-in-fact regarding this account, including all losses arising therefrom and debit balance(s) due thereof.

This authorization is a continuing one and shall remain in full force and effect until revoked by the undersigned, or an authorized person on his behalf, by written notice given to Commerce, Attention: Director of Compliance. Such revocation shall become effective only upon the actual receipt thereof by Commerce but shall not affect any liability in any way resulting from transactions initiated prior to its receipt. This authorization shall inure to the benefit of Commerce, its successors and assigns. The provisions hereof shall be in addition to and in no way shall it limit or restrict any right that Commerce may have under any agreement with the undersigned. In addition, Commerce is further authorized and directed to deduct from the undersigned's account and pay the Agent the amount of all management fees, incentive fees, advisory fees and/or brokerage commissions to be paid to the Agent upon Commerce's receipt of invoices from the Agent.

The undersigned understands that the Agent is solely responsible for the calculation of such fees and commissions and that Commerce has no responsibility or obligation to determine or verify the amount or accuracy of such fees and commissions. The undersigned hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Commerce and its affiliates and employees from any loss, damage or dispute arising out of or relating to the calculation and payment of such fees and commissions.

All statements, notices, correspondence and the like generated in this account shall be sent or given to the Agent at the address shown for this account and to the undersigned at the address indicated in the Customer's Account documents, or to such other person or address as the undersigned may hereafter designate in writing.

In addition the undersigned has provided IFX Markets Inc. with a copy of any disclosure document, managed account agreement, or other such materials executed by and between Agent and the undersigned that concern the Agent's advice in regards to the Account.

Management Fee: % per annum / monthly / quarter

Incentive Fee’s: % of net profits per annum / monthly / quarter

Commissions: $ (USD) per lot round turn (10,000 lot size)

X Customer Signature

Print Name


X Agent Signature

Print Name


英文委托书 篇七

兹全权委托xxx 先生(女士)和xxx 先生(女士)代表本公司与贵公司签署货物买卖合同事宜,其代表本公司签署的合同、订单以及其他文件,本公司确认其法律效力。以上代理人的签名样本如下:




Xxxx 有限公司 董事长:Xxx(签字)



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