

Mature,dynamic and honest.差异网的小编精心为您带来了6篇《个人评价的英文翻译》,在大家参考的同时,也可以分享一下差异网给您的好友哦。

英语教师评语 篇一

Sample Economics Teachers comments

Angelica is a reserved member of the group who displays a quiet interest in the subject. She writes about basic economic concepts in considerable detail, showing a

confident use of economic terminology. However Angelicas levels of achievement may be further improved if she is more communicative during class discussions.

Arthur is an extremely able and enthusiastic member of the class who is performing to a high standard. He has a good understanding of economic concepts and makes the best use of business terminology in his answers. However Arthurs levels of achievement may be further improved if he is more committed and consistent in terms of his


Davira takes a keen interest in economic analysis and data interpretation. Her assignment on Developed and

underdeveloped economiesis a perfect example how the subject should be handled. However she should aim to increase her confidence by making an effort to be more

involved in class discussions.

Edrieno speaks and writes about basic economic concepts in considerable detail. His performance in class assignments shows a confident use of economic terminology. However Edrienos levels of achievement may be further improved if he is more communicative during class discussions.

Fanias level of achievement demonstrates that she is capable of performing to a high standard. She speaks and writes business ideas in considerable detail and knows the best use of economic terminology. However, the overall grade may be improved if Fania continually updates herself by reading newspapers and magazines.

Felicia participates in class activities & discussions with enthusiasm. The quality of her written work has been consistently excellent, both in terms of content and

presentation. However she should try to take a more active part in practical investigations to improve her confidence in this area.

Jovina has developed a good understanding of economic concepts which was apparent from her assignment on developed and developing economies. However, Jovinas levels of achievement may be further improved if she is more committed and consistent in terms of her


Kevin has developed good understanding of economic concepts and is always willing to share his ideas with the rest of the class during discussion. However, his written work has been very variable, occasionally excellent, but too often superficial and rushed. I would suggest him to

concentrate more on the presentation aspect of his work.

Azwan writes about basic economic concepts in

considerable detail, showing a confident use of economic terminology. However Azwans levels of achievement may be further improved if he is more communicative during class discussions.

Samantha has shown a keen interest in economics in this term. Her assignment developed and developing economies

was well done with appropriate use of economic terminology. However, she should make an effort to be more actively involved during class discussions.

Wintriana has shown that she can confidently use economic terminology in different situations. It is clearly visible through the assignments submitted by her. However she needs to be more active during class discussions. She can really excel in economics if she improves her area of weakness.

HeyWon displays considerable interest in the subject. However due to her lacking in English language skills she cannot express her views effectively. To help her do this, she should take an extra tutorial session for English.

Adrian has shown a keen interest in economics in this term. He has used economic vocabulary appropriately while

analysing case studies in class. However, he should make an effort to be more actively involved during class discussions.

Rinaldy is making satisfactory progress in economics and

has shown an effective use of economic vocabulary in his report on Demand, Supply and Price. However, he should make an effort to be more actively involved during lessons and class discussions.

Cluadia is a diligent girl with a good grasp of economic

concepts. She produced an impressive report on Populationwhich displayed an effective use of economic terminology. However, she should make an effort to be more actively involved during class discussions.

Kanita displays considerable interest in the subject and participates in class activities & discussions with

enthusiasm. She displayed an impressive use of economic terminology in her report on Wages and Trade Unions. I am sure, with continued efforts, she can achieve excellent grades.

Kara takes a keen interest in discussing economic issues in class. Her written work has been quite meticulous with effective use of economic terminology. I hope she can sustain her current performance in economics through

员工评语 英语 篇二

1. 该员工平时工作认真,有高效率、高质量的工作表现,且在日常 生活中能与其他同事团结友爱,互助进取。

This eloyee works carefully. And he works with hi efficiency and rerkable achievents. And in his daily life, he has a sense of solidarity and proess with other colleaes.

2. 该员工工作仔细、认真、负责,不但执行力强,且工作配合度也 好。

工作成果显著, 为我们树立了良好的榜样。

The eloyee works carefully, earnestly and responsibly。

Not only executive power is stron but also the workincooperation deees are well. Work with rerkable achievents and set a od exale to us.

3. 该员工积极向上,配合度好,平时工作表现很努力,在工作时能 以认真、仔细、负责的心态做好自己的工作。

英语教师评语 篇三

一、It's very clever of you to do so.

It's nice of you to write this way.

Wonderful!Your English is very good and your answers are correct.

I'm sure you can do your work better next time.

You've done a good job.

You are doing wonderfully!

You can do better now than you did before.

You have improved a lot.I am proud of you.

That's great.Please never give up trying.Success comes through hard work and constant effort.

No pains,no gains.I hope you will make more progress in the future.

Whatgood work!You are the pride of our class.

Work harder,and you will make more progress.

The harder you work,the sooner you will improve.

Come on!I am sure you will catch up soon.

It's good to be correct.It's also important to be creative.

Excellent.You haven't made any mistakes,but do try to make your handwriting neater.

You had better be more careful!Pay more attention to the tenses.

Your work is quite good

except for a few spelling mis- takes.

Keep it that little by little one goes far.




●Well done!/Neat and tidy!


●That's OK!

●What a good job you have done!

●Now you can do better than before.

●Your handwriting is excellent!

●Keep it up.

●Your English will become better if you work harder.


●Although you have not been successful,you have done better than ever.Success belongs to the diligent learners.I am sure you will make more and more progress if you keep on practising your spoken English.


●Practice makes perfect.

●Where there is a will,there is a way.

●Awillfulman willhave his way.

●Failure is the only highroad to success.

●Diligence is the mother of good fortune/good luck.

●He who does not advance falls backward.

●The water wears away stones.


英语听课评语 篇四
































员工评语 英语 篇五

Mr./Ms...is a good employee, always worked with much patience and carefulness, he/she always finish my assigned tasks on time and with good quality.Besides,

he/she has good teamwork, always get on well with all other colleagues.A point I should say, he/she will be more perfect if she improve her professional technology more.Hope he/she will do better.

关于评价用英文怎么说 篇六


我是个乐观积极向上的女孩,喜欢去挑战一些自己从没做过的事情,愿意与人合作,有着比较强烈的集体荣誉感。平时喜欢上网看电影,或是偶尔搜集一些有趣的趣闻,没什么特别的兴趣,喜欢参加集体活动,很喜欢排球和乒乓球,还有喜欢听音乐 跳舞。我从事了将近一年的酒店行业,比较清楚整个酒店运营,特别是酒店市场营销方面。通过与客户的不断接触,了解客户的喜好与品位,满足客户要求,提供细致化的服务,从而赢得客户的信赖。这是我从事一年酒店以来得出的结论,虽然经验还不算丰富,但是与客户的互动中学会了很多,并且希望继续从事这个行业。













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