

2023丽江古城的导游词英文 篇一

Hello, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to our beautiful Colorful Yunnan. It'sa great honor to meet you. I'm Xiao Pu, our tour guide. Next to me is my littlefriend Xiao Li. We are very honored to be your tour guide. The place we aregoing to today is the ancient city of Lijiang, which is known as "Gusu on theplateau" and "Venice in the East". Perhaps you may think, how could Xiao Puboast so much about Lijiang? In fact, I don't exaggerate at all. The ancientcity of Lijiang is just because the Yuquan water runs through the whole city,which is divided into the West River, the middle river and the East River. Inthe ancient city, it is divided into more tributaries, walking through streetsand alleys, walls and houses. Street layout is free, not neat. The main streetis near the river, the alley is near the canal, and the clear spring flowsthrough the street, the town and the house. The poem "every family flows withwater, and every family hangs with Yang" is a true portrayal of this city, soalthough it is a small town on the Yunnan Guizhou Plateau, it has thecharacteristics of a water town in the south of the Yangtze River.

Dayan town

Next, let me tell you about the history of Lijiang. The ancient city ofLijiang is located at the foot of Yulong Snow Mountain. Surrounded by greenmountains, the city is like a big Jasper inkstone. In ancient times, "inkstone"and "Yan" were interlinked. Therefore, the chieftain of Ming Dynasty renamed theancient city "Dayan", which means prosperous culture and outstanding people.

Maybe before Lijiang in the future, everyone has heard that Lijiang ancientcity has one characteristic, that is, it is the only ancient city without citywalls in China's famous historical and cultural city. Why is there no citywalls? It is said that the hereditary rulers of Lijiang all have the surname ofmu, so building a city is bound to be like adding a frame with the word"trapped". The chieftain of Mu family did not set up a city wall because oftaboo.

The ancient city was built in the late Southern Song Dynasty with a historyof about 800 years. It has been a political, economic and military town inNorthwest Yunnan and a hub for the economic and cultural exchanges among Naxi,Khan, Tibet and other ethnic groups. Xu Xiake, a famous Chinese traveler in MingDynasty, once wrote that "the beauty of the palace is determined by the king",which is also the important town of the ancient tea horse road in history. Thecity covers an area of 3.8 square kilometers, with a permanent population of30000 and 16900 Naxi people.

Lijiang ancient city was listed as a national historical and cultural cityby the State Council in 1986, and as a world cultural heritage by UNESCO in1997. So what should we visit in Lijiang?

1、 Climbing the range rover, you can see the form of the ancient city. Theancient city skillfully used the terrain, with lion mountain in the west,Xiangshan Mountain and Jinhong mountain in the north. It was moved from thenorthwest to the southeast, avoiding the cold wind of snow mountain, leading tothe warm wind in the southeast and occupying the convenient place.

2、 The ancient city makes full use of the spring water. The Yuhe River inthe city is divided into three parts, three parts into nine parts, and thendivided into countless canals, clean and full of aura. [by [finishing]

3、 Walking along the street, you can see the buildings of the ancient city.The buildings in the ancient city are all simple courtyard residents. Thebuildings are simple and crude. The courtyard layout and the internal buildingsare rich and delicate, which constitute a harmonious relationship between manand nature.

4、 If you enter the city and cross the bridge, you can see the layout ofthe whole city. The layout of the ancient city is free and flexible. Stonebridges, wooden bridges, flowers, birds, fish and insects, musical instruments,chess, calligraphy and painting, and folk customs make the ancient cityunique.

Entrance to the ancient city

We have come to the entrance of the ancient city. Some people say it's amother and son's water wheel, while others say it's a couple's water wheel. Howcan we not see the gate? In fact, you can't see it. It's also a wonder ofLijiang ancient city, that is, you can't see the city gate or the city wall,because there is no city wall or the city gate in the ancient city, because thehead of Naxi nationality's surname is "Mu". If the city wall and the city gateare built, it will become "trapped". So there is no city wall or the city gatein the ancient city. Please see, this is the screen wall of President JiangZemin's inscription "the ancient city of Lijiang, a world cultural heritage". Itis dignified and beautiful. "Three squares and one Zhaobi" is the architecturalfeature of Naxi folk houses. To the right is the water column. It reflects theimportance of fire prevention in civil structure buildings of ancient city atthat time, which is also the wisdom of Naxi ancestors. This is a world heritagemonument. The symbol is connected by a circle and a box, indicating the harmonybetween man and nature. Next, let's visit the ancient city!

Layout of ancient city

Ladies and gentlemen, there must be such a question in mind. There are manyancient cities like this in China. Why is this remote ancient city on theplateau chosen? If you want to get the answer, please follow Xiao Li. A lane, afamily, a careless you stand in a hundred years of history, this feeling, on theroad, in various courtyards, you can feel everywhere. Therefore, this ancientcity is not built for filming or mystery. It's a real and living ancient city.If you look at it, you will feel that it's much smoother than the road you justwalked. The stone slabs with five flowers seem to have a lot of gravel in them.However, it's a kind of lejiaoyan unique to Lijiang. It's collected from thesurrounding mountains. Because of its colorful colors, the local people call itfive flowers Stone, pedestrian horse tread, after hundreds of years, polishedsmooth and transparent, first-class rain, poetic at your feet, this street iscalled Xinhua street. On both sides of the street, you can occasionally seecouplets of different colors pasted on the doors of some people's houses. SomeNaxi people have died, and they all have to commemorate three years. The firstyear is white couplet with black characters, the second year is green coupletwith black characters, and the third year is couplet pasted. This is thenostalgia of Naxi people for their dead relatives. After some forest likepavements, clear river water, small bridges and weeping willows, it is printedin your eyes, but you don't see it Passing by such a clear river, I can see rowsof tables and chairs and bursts of music coming into my ears. This is what theguests call "Foreigner Street". However, the shops on this street are not run byforeigners. The bars there are bookish, rebellious and pure business. Everyonecan get what they want. The convenient place for people in the city to"recharge" in Lijiang is

The bar looks for feeling, especially for foreigners. There are friends,there are bridges, water, as long as not drunk, life can find a moment ofcarefree. After passing the bar street, you can see a small stone bridge, whichis called pea bridge because it sold peas there earlier. The small gate buildingon the west of the bridge is Kegong square. Kegong square is named in the alleybehind the square. In the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty, there were twobrothers of the Yang family in the alley, and in the Daoguang period, theiryounger brother was elected again. This is a matter of pride for Lijiang people.In order to praise the Yang family and encourage them, the government praisedthem This is a special place.

Standing there, looking to the East, you can see an open area. This is thecentral Sifang street. Sifang street is the central guangachang of the ancientcity, covering an area of about five mu. There are two main reasons why it iscalled Sifang street. One reason is that the shape of the square is very similarto the square magistrate's seal. It is named Sifang street by the chieftain,which means "Quan Zhen Sifang". Some people say that the road there leads toSifang Fang is the distribution center of people and logistics in alldirections, so it is called Sifang street. Why is Sifang street so famous? If wesay that the silk road is another world-famous trade channel in the north ofChina, there is also a trade channel in the south of China known as the "teahorse ancient road". It is a trade channel for the horses, fur, Tibetan medicineand other specialties in the Tibetan area and Lijiang, and tea, silk, jewelryand other commodities in the south. Lijiang ancient city is an important town onthe tea horse ancient road, and Sifang street is the important one Since ancienttimes, Sifang street, the trade center of the town, has been an open-air fairwith a history of 300 years. It is necessary to realize the mystery of Sifangstreet. In the early morning, people who get up early begin to buy breakfast,which is a hazy Sifang street. In the afternoon, traders who buy copper,mountain goods and snacks form a prosperous market. This is the reason Sifangstreet is full of vigor and vitality; it's just dark when businessmen go home,and after a time of friction, there are still people and sunshine left. The oldpeople basking in the sun at the bridge head are replaced by children playing,and the bars on both sides show the oily light of night, which is the makeup ofSifang street. At about two o'clock in the morning, Sifang street people go toempty streets, and the alleys are deep and unpredictable, only the sound ofrunning water rises and falls, which is the reason It's Lijiang with a plainface. meet

Come down, let my little friend Xiao Li, continue to show you how tobrowse!

Ancient city dwellings

Next, let's go to "Naxi Siheyuan" for a visit! The folk in the ancient cityabsorbed the architectural culture of Han, Bai, Tibetan and other nationalities,but also integrated the national architectural culture and aestheticconsciousness, forming a lot of Naxi style of "three squares and one wall, fourin five patio". The architectural form of the front and rear courtyard, thesetting of the gatehouse and the front building, the patio paving, the six doorand its decorative lights constitute a strong local color and nationalcharacteristics. Speaking of this, let's go in and have a look. The "four infive patios" there are four houses in the southeast and northwest. There is asmall patio between each two neighboring houses, and there are five patios inthe middle. So it's called "four in five patios". Four blocks of housing areupstairs and downstairs are imaginative, so it is also called "zouma cornerbuilding".

Friends may ask, which part of Naxi residence has the most Naxicharacteristics? That is Liuhe door and the window core on Liuhe door - "fourseasons Bogu". "Four seasons" is Nash, which means "four seasons". Reflectingthe high expectations of the Naxi people for life, this six door can beinstalled or removed, convenient and flexible. When it is opened, it is thedoor, and when it is closed, it is the window. At ordinary times, only the twoin the middle are opened. When there are red and white events, and there aremany guests, the six doors can be removed. In the composition of the windowcore, the famous flowers and different flowers, auspicious birds and animals,and perfect allusions are used to express the perfect wishes of Naxi people forfour auspicious seasons, happiness of fortune and longevity, and farming andreading.


Dear friends, have you ever seen the TV series "Mufu Fengyun"? "MufuFengyun" is shot in Mufu. While enjoying the plot, you must be intoxicated withthe beautiful scenery and local customs of Lijiang. Now let's go to Mufu to havea look!

We visited the ancient city and Sifang street. If Sifang street is thecenter of the ancient city, Mufu is the heart of the ancient city and the "GrandView Garden" of Lijiang ancient city culture. The chieftain of Naxi surnamed Muonce ruled Lijiang for 470 years. After three dynasties of yuan, Ming and Qing,a total of 23 dynasties were continued, and this wooden mansion, known asLijiang Forbidden City, was built. Mu's chieftain is loyal to the imperial courtand has been praised by the emperor for many times. This Zhongyi square wasapproved by the Emperor Wanli of Ming Dynasty. It is called "famous Three PagodaTemple in Dali and famous stone archway in Lijiang".

Please see, there is Mufu. The overall structure of Mufu, from east towest, is the Zhongyi square that we have just seen, followed by the front gate,Zhaobi, conference hall, wanjuan building, Dharma protection hall, guojielou,Guangbi building, Yuyin building and Sanqing hall.

The Mufu we see now was built after the earthquake of magnitude 7 in 1996.This is the assembly hall. The assembly hall is dignified, spacious andmagnificent. It is the place where the chieftains summon their guests. Look,there are three plaques on the door beam of the assembly hall, all of which arewritten with the words "serve the country sincerely". They are the commendationsof the three emperors Hongwu, Yongle and Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty. So why didthe imperial court rely so much on the Mu family? This is because the Naxipeople live in the hinterland of Jiangwan in the upper reaches of Jinsha River,with Tubo in the north and Nanzhao Dali in the south. These two local forcesoften became the unstable factors in the southwest frontier of the centraldynasty, so the Naxi nationality played an important role.

This is wanjuan building. Wanjuan building has three floors. Look, thereare no windows on the second floor. You can't see the second floor from thebottom of the building, so there are many precious books in it. To put itsimply, the wanjuan building is a place full of books, with books on the firstfloor, books on the second floor and books on the third floor. Now you can go inand visit yourself. Please abide by the order in the museum. Books can be readbut not touched! Behind the wanjuan tower is the Dharma hall. It is the house ofchieftains to discuss family affairs. In addition to the memorial tablets ofMu's ancestors, there are benches, sticks and other tools for corporalpunishment. You can see that it is the place where Master Mu uses family rulesand family laws to discipline his children. It looks like the ancestral hall weusually call.

After passing the Dharma protection hall, we walk through an ancientoverpass. This overpass can be regarded as a creation of the chieftain of Mufamily, which is based on the local conditions and the people. In this way, thegovernment and the people are at peace and do not interfere with each other.Let's go up to the Guangbi building of Mufu. This is a 1:300 model of theancient city, where you can clearly see the whole picture of the ancient cityand Mufu. This is the Yulong bridge, the north entr-差异网§www.chayi5.com ance of the ancient city.This is the West River, the middle river and the East River. Who lost his way inthe ancient city, then, upstream must be able to walk to the Yulong bridge.These pictures show the rich history and culture and magnificent natural sceneryof Lijiang, please browse.

If you go further, this is the Yuyin building. On the first floor and infront of the building are the places where the chieftains sing, dance and the second floor are the places where the Fengzhao and Heshu are worshipped.There are copies of white sand murals in the hall. Baisha mural is a nationalkey cultural relic. It integrates Han Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism and Taoism intoone picture, and makes three religions live in one room. This practice ofintegrating the three religions is rare in other places. In Lijiang, because theNaxi represented by Mu's chieftain is an open nation, they are culturallyinclusive.

After yuyinlou, we come to the final building on the axis of Mufu, Sanqinghall. From there, we can have a bird's-eye view of the ancient city and Mufu,and we can see the ancient city described by Xu Xiake as "Julu pianji, lingeringin the slope and valley", and Mufu's "beauty of palace is like the king".

Mufu is a splendid garden of architectural art, which fully reflects theelegant demeanor of the Central Plains architecture in the Ming Dynasty, whileretaining the simplicity and ruggedness of the Central Plains architecture inthe Tang and Song dynasties.

When you visit Lijiang ancient city, you should not miss Naxi ancientmusic. Naxi ancient music, which is called "lost music in all parts of China",consists of two parts: Baisha Xiyue and Lijiang Dongjing music. After hundredsof years of development and changes, Naxi ancient music has formed a uniquestyle of integration of Han and Naxi Music, which has a strong national and folkcolor. Living in Lijiang ancient city, the most perfect arrangement at night isto listen to Naxi ancient music.

OK, when you get there, you'll have a good view of the ancient city. Ourjourney is coming to an end. During this happy time, we visited Lijiang ancientcity, which is famous both at home and abroad and has the reputation of "Veniceof China" and "Gusu of Plateau". Thank you for your understanding, support andcooperation with Xiao Pu and me along the way. We are deeply impressed by yourenthusiasm. At the same time, we hope that our service can leave you someperfect memories. Finally, I send my best wishes to you, and I sincerely hope wecan meet again. Thank you!

2023丽江古城的导游词英文 篇二

Dear visitors! Welcome to visit lijiang ancient city, I am the yunnan tour guide GuRunLu, nice to meet you.

Lijiang ancient city is located in the middle of lijiang dam, xiangshan, Jin Hongshan, west to the north pillow of sierra leone, the fertile land in the southeast face dozens of example. Lijiang is an ancient city with a long history of culture, historical and cultural atmosphere here, like the ancient naxi music, baisha murals, dongba text, baisha fine music, is containing the rich cultural connotation. Old town of lijiang also known as dayan town, it is an ancient city without walls, is very special. The minority here, bai, yi, Tibetan, lisu, pumi, etc., said that I want to ask you, live here, most of the main ethnic minorities, what is family? Ha ha, yes, it's the naxi. Construction of the naxi nationality is also very distinctive, we will in the next journey with you to visit the naxi people live in a house, understand their life.

Say so many, some friends ask here have delicious, characteristics of food, that is too much, is famous across the bridge rice noodle, BaBa, barbecue, dongba grilled fish, not only have to eat and drink, barley wine, men and women all appropriate, pure grain brewing, distinctive flavour. I saw some friends had drool ah, after a brief introduction, you already have a preliminary knowledge of lijiang, want a more detailed understanding of lijiang local conditions and customs, feel the exotic amorous feelings, to start our wonderful city tour.

2023丽江古城的导游词英文 篇三

Hello everyone! This is located in the middle of Lijiang ancient city,called "Sifang Street". Sifang street used to be another alias, and there is alittle story about its name. Before, there was a small pavilion in the middle ofSifang street, and there was a small pool beside the pavilion. In summer, thelotus blossoms in the small pool; in autumn, the small pool is covered with redleaves, which is a good place for poets to sing wine. Because the pavilion issquare, "Fang" is homonymous with "Fang", so it is renamed "Sifang Street".

Let's see, there was no city wall in Lijiang, because the ruler's surnameat that time was "Mu". If the ancient city built walls, then "Mu" would becomethe word "trapped", which was very unlucky, so the city wall was not built.

OK! Let's go to the next scenic spot. Let's see, there are several wellsconnected together. Isn't it a bit odd. The first well is the cleanest fordrinking; the second well is the water from the first well for washingvegetables; and then it flows into the third well for washing hands. It's beenused like this for thousands of years.

Let's not scribble around. I'm finished. Let's play separately for an hourand gather here after playing.


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