


考研英语辞职信 篇一

Dear XXX,

I am writing this letter to apologize that I will quit the position as an editor of your magazine for the reason of myself.

Two months ago, I was accepted by the design and fashions as a member of it. I was deeply impressed by the kindness, diligence of all staff members around me. But during the span of working here, I have come to realize that the job probably is not suitable for me because I want a more peaceful life, such as a teacher. And you know that I am not an outgoing girl. I find that I am not able to devote all my efforts to a job which I do not really like.

So I am awfully sorry to tell you my decision to quit. Please accept my apology.

Yours sincerely,


英语辞职信 篇二

Dear Mr. Johnson,

I am sure it will come as no surprise that I wish to resign my position as a sales representative. I have enjoyed working with you and the staff in the Morning Star Company for these two years. Yon have given me plenty of help and encouragement.

However, our work with local community groups has inspired me to return for my Master’s degree in social work. I appreciate how valuable such a degree can be in my field ofendeavor. I’d like to pursue my Master’s degree in autumn, and would appreciate it if you would accept my resignation before September 3.

I will be able to stay on through the summer and help you find a replacement for my position. Thank you for all the patience, wisdom, and experience that you shared with me. I will always remember my time with the Morning Star with great affection, and hope to work with you and the staff again in the future. I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

英文辞职信 篇三

Dear Richard,

After careful consideration and soul-searching, I have decided resign myposition as internal auditor at ICC company. I assure you it was not an easy -decision to make.

Perhaps you have heard me mention on occasion that I would like to run myown accounting business. Ever since I graduated from #### university, this hasbeen my long-range goal. I am thinking of applying to a graduate business schoolto earn an MBA in accounting and eventually to sit for the CPA eXXam. I suggestedan effective date of January 30. if , however , you would like more time to finda replacement, I am writing to eXXtend that by two weeks 。 on the other hand,ofyou feel that an earlier department would be more convenient to you, I willcertainly understand.

I cherish the eXXperience I have received at ICC company 。 I’m confidentthat it will be very usual to me in my future career.

Sincerely yours


英语辞职信 篇四

Dear Mr. Bao,

By this letter I am resigning my position as Quality Engineer, effective immediately.

Recent circumstances incompatible1 with my personal beliefs and styles require that I change my employment.I appreciate the opportunity to work and learn at ABC Company.


Li Da Hua

英语辞职信 篇五


Effective October  , I will assume the position of director of human resources for XXX, Inc., in Baton Rouge. Therefore, please accept my resignation as benefits and compensation coordinator of the Human Resources Department within AAA Associates, effective September 30.

The decision was a difficult one for me because I have so enjoyed my working relationships here. The job description has given me great latitude in assisting other coordinators within the human resource area, and as a result, I’ve gained skills in several related fields. These cross-training opportunities have been invaluable, and in a much more formal, classroom setting, I’ve been able to take advantage of classes in management, interpersonal skills, writing, and oral presentations. All of this training has been a worthwhile effort for both AAA (company) and me.

As I go to the new position, I’ll do so with the utmost reect for the management examples and philosophies learned here and with gratitude for the personal attention to my career growth.

Thank you for the rewarding experience I’ve enjoyed during my seven-year association with the organization.



英语辞职信 篇六

Dear Mr. Smith,

I am sorry to inform you by this letter that I plan to resign my present job in the next month. The main reason is that I will move to Qingd https://www.shubaoc.com/ ao to live permanently with my family, as Qingdao is my hometown.

Looking back upon my five-year experience in this organization, I have had a very happy and enjoyable time working with you and other colleagues, from whom I have received lots of help and have learnt much. Please accept my sincere gratitude, as well as my regret for not being able to serve here any longer.

Yours faithfully,

Wang Hua


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