


英文求职信 篇一

Dear Sir,

If an ability to take direction well,and to carry out orders faithfully,is important to you,then I may be a good manwoman for the job you advertised in xxxx.

The job sounds particularly interesting because it is precisely the kind of work I have wanted to do for years.My working expericence thus far has,I think,given me the attitudes and the understanding that would enable me to learn the details of the position you"ve adertised.

I"d very much appreciate the chance to talk to you,and to get your opinion on whether my background and inclinations would be suitable for the job you offer.

I can be reached by telephone at 12345678.


英文求职信 篇二

Dear Sir,

In reference to your advertisement in the for a playground director, I believe that I have the qualifications to fit your position.

I hold a degree in Physical Education from the University of South Dakota. Along with my physical education courses,I also selected many courses in psychology and child management. During the summers, I worked as a volunteer playground director in several suburban areas surrounding the university.In the summer of 1983, I was an assistant in charge of organized sports for younger boys in Walton, south Dakota. The year after that,I was placed in charge of a large summer program for under privileged children in the large city of Millon, South Dakota. My supervisor during this time was William Johnson. He has consented to act as a reference for me.

My additional experience includes working as a City Park Recreation Director in Rockford, South Dakota for the years of 1985 to the present time. In this position I am responsible for the programs in all the city park, including all organized recreation and night-time sports.

If you feel that I am suited for the job that you have in mind, please inform me of the time convenient for an interview. I hope to hear from you in the near future.

英文版求职信 篇三

Dear Sir or Madam:

I knew you are looking for a xxxxxxx.

I am very interested in this position, and also I think my background and experience can meet your requirements. Accordingly, a complete resume is enclosed for your review and consideration.

I hold a Bachelor Degree of computer science, With three years software developer experience, I am thoroughly versed in a wide range of IT technology. I am a smart and quick-learning person, excellent team worker, and good interpersonal skill. I always can catch the new technology and adapt myself to the new environment as soon as possible. My skills and knowledge can let me fit your position’s requirements. I am very will to face more challenges and make more achievements during working.

May I have the opportunity to discuss my interest and qualifications during a personal interview with you? You can contact me at (021) 123-4567 or by E-mail.

I am really looking forward to hearingfromyou. Thank you for your consideration.





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