


销售英文求职信 篇一

Dear Sir,

Four years as a senior clerk in sales department of the New World Products Company have, I believe,given me the experience to qualify for the job you advertised in Thursdays newspaper.

Since 1981 I have been responsible for all office details in the administration of sales, including writing much of the correspondence. In the course of my work, I have become familiar with the various sales territories, and have also in my spare time experience of handling business problems other than my proper sphere.

The years before I was employed at the New World, I was a secretary for Long Brother, an accounting firm. There I became familiar with accounting terms and procedures.

I was graduated at Wah Yan College, in June 1974. I am twenty-five years of age and single.

I am leaving my present position because I can use my capabilities more fully in a position with wider scope. Mypresent employer knows of my ambition and is helping me to find a new place.

May I see you at your office to tell you more about myself and show you just how well I can do the work you require.

Yours faithfully,








销售英文求职信 篇二

Dear Manager,

Your company is one step closer to filling your needs. You will note that the experience and skills outlined in the accompanying resume satisfy the criteria you are looking. With over fifteen years of Customer Service experience and more than five years of Call Center Management and Training experience, I am certain that my skills and abilities will be of benefit to your company.

I offer the following facts about my work experiences in support of my candidacy:

Proficient use Microsoft Office programs

Computerized Accounting and Payroll using Simply and ACCPAC

Human Resources, Recruiting and Training experience

Excellent Verbal and Written Communication Skills

Problem Solving and Conflict Resolution Skills

Excellent Team Work and Team Building skills

Process and Policy Planning

Management Development experience

The ability to multi-task effectively

Through past work experience I have learned the importance of being an effective team member and the skills required to be an active leader. Cooperative and detail-oriented, my exceptional performance is evidence of a high level of personal motivation.

I will look forward to meeting with you to elaborate on my qualifications and discuss future opportunities.


Lydia E. Smith

销售英文求职信 篇三

Dear Dr. Anderson,

Mr.Li Quanzhi who has just returned to Chinafromyour university informed that you are considering the possibility of offering a Chinese language course to your students in the net academic year and may have an opening for a teacher of the Chinese language. I am very much interested in such a position.

I have been teaching Chinese literature and composition at college level since 19. In the past three years, I have worked in summer programs, teaching the Chinese language and culture to studentsfromEnglish-speaking courtries. As a result,I got to know well the common problems of these students and how to adapt teaching to achieve the best results.

With years of intensive English training, I have no difficulty conducting classes in English and feel queit comfortable working with American students.

I will be available after February 20.Please fell free to contact me if you wish more information. Thank you very much for your consideration and I look forward to hearingfromyou.



销售英文求职信 篇四

p.o. box 36

biit university

beijing,china 100000

dear sir/madam:

please consider me for your sales management program. my background is one of selling ideas, concepts and programs, and of motivating myself and others to realize our potential.

attitudes predict behavior - or so goes the saying in sales. if this holds true, i am sure to be as successful in sales management as i am in my college endeavors. my unceasing optimism, self-determination and ability to set goals have allowed me to achieve academic and personal objectives.

because of my "can do" attitude, sales will provide the challenge and opportunity to continue my successful history of setting and achieving goals. please allow me the opportunity to elaborate on how my background predicts sales success. i guarantee you''ll be providing your corporation with an outstanding sales management 。 thank you for your attention.


销售英文求职信 篇五

dear mr. chan

application for the post of management trainee

i am writing to apply for the post of management trainee, which was advertised on the student affairs office notice board of the hong kong polytechnic university on 8 december XX.

my working experience at lucky star garment manufactory limited improved my leadership skills, communication skills and ability to work in a team environment. i have fluent spoken and written english. i also have fluent spoken and written mandarin, and can therefore work in mainland china.

currently i am studying a b.a. in management at the hong kong polytechnic university, graduating in XX. subjects which i am studying that are relevant to the post of management trainee include operations management, human resources management, accounting, marketing and strategic management.

my final year project is entitled knowledge management practices in hk. carrying out this project has improved my communication skills, my leadership skills and my ability to lead and supervise subordinates effectively. i have also learned how to run a project from the planning stage to its completion.

during my studies i have held the post of executive in the management society. while leading and organising management society activities i have improved my ability to lead and supervise subordinates effectively, ability to work under pressure and ability to work in a team environment.

working for wong and lim consulting appeals to me because it has a good reputation and it provides excellent training. your organisation produces a high-quality service, and i can contribute to this with my leadership skills and my ability to work under pressure.

i am available for interview at any time. i can be contacted most easily on the mobile phone number given above. i look forward to meeting you.

yours sincerely


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