请假单 英文怎么说最新3篇


无论是在学校还是在社会中,我们最离不开的就是请假条了,请假条作为考核的主要依据,有着重要的参考价值。那么问题来了,到底应如何写一份恰当的请假条呢?这次漂亮的小编为亲带来了3篇《请假单 英文怎么说》,可以帮助到您,就是差异网小编最大的乐趣哦。

英文请假条 篇一


an excuse

written request for leave


I wrote an excuse for my absence from school.

我写了一张请假条,说明缺课的原因。 He would give me a leave letter next day.

第二天他会为我写张请假条。 excuse是什√差异网★www.chayi5.com√么意思:

v. 原谅;辩解;准许。.。离去

n. 辩解;借口;理由;原谅,饶恕

He made belated excuses.

他作了为时已晚的道歉。 Idle folks lack no excuses.

懒汉借口多。He is great at finding excuses.

他可真会找借口。 written是什么意思:

adj. 书面的,成文的,文字的

v. write的过去分词

There is a written protocol.

这有一个书面草案。It is written by an obscure young poet.

这是一位不知名的年轻诗人写的。 The song is written in the key of D.

这首歌是用D调谱写的。 request是什么意思:

v. 要求,请求;请求给予

n. 要求,请求,需要,需求,申请书

function requester

功能请求者 The medicine is requested to pestle into powder.

这种药要研成粉末服用。These goods are in great request.


英文请假条 篇二

Dear Mr.xxx,

I'm sorry to tell you that I caught a cold and I'm not feeling orroe days. So I am very sorry to be absent from school, especially your interesting lessons. I'll be sure to make up for the missed lessons after I recover from the illness.

Yours ever,


英文请假条 篇三

application for leave


(日期)date: 20period of leave

(请假时间)/ / / (mm/dd/yy) ~ / / / (mm/dd/yy)days in total

(折算天数)reason for leave



(请假人)responsible department’s comment


authorized person’s comment


note:this form should be with office


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