


大一新生英语自我介绍 篇一

一位同学首先介绍自己说:Hello everyone,I’m from river north.。.。.。

“什么?”来自哪里?全场师生都蒙了,这位同学到底来自哪里?大家都陷入了短暂的思考。哦,对,他来自河北!河北被翻译成了river north,连英语老师也是头一次见,今天学到一个新词了!全场哄堂大笑!

这位同学刚介绍完,另外一位身材高大的同学站了起来,他首先介绍了自己叫什么名字,然后说:I’m from m.chayi5.com broad quiet。 broad quiet?嗯,中国应该没这个省,难道这位同学说的是我国的'某个市?广安?对,四川省广安市!不对,我来自辽宁省!全场又蒙了!broad quiet是辽宁啊,这真是长见识了。

接着另外一位同学也站了起来,身材不高,皮肤黝黑,“I am from lake construct!”,有了前面两位同学的介绍,大家这回都有心理准备了,lake的意思是湖、湖泊的意思,construct是建造、创立的意思,两个放在一起意思是“湖泊建造”?这是哪个省呢?“湖建”,终于发现了,是福建!这个翻译太有才了,跟福建当地口音结合不错,一般人真猜不出来是什么意思!全场再次爆笑!

这就是中国式英语的魅力,我们就是这么韧性,哈哈!其他还有很多省份的翻译:比如luck woods是吉林,mountain east是山东,upper sea是上海,fold river是浙江,inner guessing ancient是内蒙古等等。

小地名也有很多,door head valley是北京市门头沟,west double flag是北京西二旗,哈哈哈!


大一新生开学有趣英文自我介绍 篇二

大家好!我的名字叫,郑成功的郑,博士的博,海洋的洋,汉族。我的个子不矮,但和班上的高个儿比起来,就逊色多了。和大多数同学一样,我今年也是18岁。 我的缺点。主要是作事不麻利,自觉性不高,对自己的事不上心。上六年级的时候,学校就在我家对面。我却常常是七点半起床,要做半个多小时的准备才能出门,还经常迟到。因此同学们叫我“迟到大王”。

现在,最起码六点多就要起床,才能有足够的时候吃饭、坐车等。这对我是个挑战。不过,我一定要借这个机会,改掉我不麻利的坏习惯。另外,自觉性不高,上课不免做些小动作、讲话。前几天大家都参加了军训,站着要一动也不动。我感到通过这次军训,我的自觉性有所提高。我也希望在以后的学习中改掉这个毛病。对自己的事不上心。我在当数学课代表时,有好几次本子忘发,作业没收齐,挨过老师不少责备。我也希望改掉它。我有决心改掉我的缺点和坏习惯。 我的优点:我和很多同学一样,也找不出我的优点。我和父母讨论之后得出:较有上进心,较乐观。至于我更多的优点,就靠大家的发掘了! 我的兴趣爱好。我比较喜欢游泳,踢足球,也对军事感兴趣。如果谁和我“志同道合”,就可以找我交个朋友。

对未来大学生活的期望。我希望能在这4年里快乐地度过,能和同学们结下深厚的友谊,能从老师那里学到更多的知识和道理。 我希望大家能够了解我,喜欢我,也希望同学们能团结友爱地度过这4年。

大一新生开学有趣英文自我介绍 篇三












大一新生英语自我介绍 篇四

good morningafternoonevening, my name is xxx. it is really a great honor to have this opportunitychance to introduce myself.

generally eaking ,i am a hard working student eecially do the thing i am interested in. i will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is. furthermore,i am a person with great perserverence. during the days preparing for the colledge-entrance examination,i insist on running every day, no matter what the weather was like.and just owning to this,i could concentrate on my study and succeeded in the end.

well ,in my are time ,i like basketball, tennis and chinese chess. and english is my favorate subject.i often go to english corner to practise my oral english on every thursday,and write compositions to improve my witten ability .but i know my english is not good enough ,i will continue studying hard.

ok, that is all,thank you for your attention.

大一新生英语自我介绍 篇五

Hi,evryone. My name is xx and i'm from yy.I'm glad that i will spend my next four years here, and i hope that i can be friends with all of you. My hobby is xx and i hope i can find someone who has the same hobby as 's my great honour to be here and i'm very happy to see you w me to introduce myself at Chinese name my English name interests include.。.。I'm looking forward to making friends with all of you. Thank you !

大一新生英文自我介绍 篇六

I'm XXX class of XXX, common household's daughter, my parents is assistant, life is general, also because of this, there may be little genetic relationship, my personality is quite introverted.

This year in September, I come to guangzhou college, this is my first time to leave my parents give far door. See side come and go, enthusiasm is bold and unrestrained, cheerful talkative classmates,I am deeply into his own character of pressure, although I didn't think that my character to have what not good.

Because introverted, I introduce myself in class sound when very small, so that his classmates don't know me, Because introverted, I dare not and not too familiar classmate say hello, so I often come alone walking alone, Because introverted, I dared not participate in those who have an interview activity that I've lost self-exercise opportunities. I even worried, I later how to obtain employment? How to recommend myself?

There is no matter that can't be solved, also did not cross over the candy. The formation of character is accumulated, to solve it is never happen overnight, I must be patient. The university is a self-training, improve your own platform, there is a lot of classmates, for me an outside resident students, now turned into inside the resident students, should be a very good character training opportunities.

Let the past be the past, let now compose the future. University is the life of another a start, wish all of us as a freshman students can round their beautiful university dream, fulfillment metamorphosis.

大一新生英语自我介绍 篇七

Dear teachers and dear classmates:

Hello everyone!

My name is Liu ______. When I was young, I had many colorful dreams. Being a broadcaster or being a TV presenter is my biggest dream. So I took every opportunity to learn how to broadcast, practice speaking, cross talk, play Allegro, perform dance, and host programs. I attended the Spring Festival Gala at my fathers army, and I was warmly welcomed by the soldiers.

I know deeply that being a qualified announcer or a TV show host is a very difficult thing. There will be success in the path of growth, but more is the frustration of failure; there will be happiness of harvest, but more hard work. But I have the courage and the determination to face it all. So, today, I am standing in the middle of my classmates.

Like all my fellow students here, I am eager to spread my wings and yearn for more room for development in the future. I think there will be a harvest with plowing. In the ne__t four years, we will surely have an infinitely bright future.

大一新生英语自我介绍 篇八

dear leaders:hello!i am a college university graduates, benefited from strong school learning, innovation atmosphere, melting of which i became a versatile personnel.i am honest and trustworthy, erred college, contemporary literature, zhang ailing, zhang xiaoxian, baby anne, etc. some of my favorite writers, and their collected works fro i'd also seen ersity for four years so i thought and knowledge, have been further psychological growth.

teacher professional learning in my school and teacher skills through professional training, testing, practice live ammunition when they give the students a dozen years on the court's language lessons, or feel good verbal ver, since i think my writing skills more than verbal e the sixth grade, there had been the habit of keeping a diary, and occasionally there is the delight, i would write a small article in practice your pen,

i am in serious hard work in learning, professional knowledge in the mastered the basis of this, not forgetting to expand their knowledge, curricular knowledge on a broad and a relatively wide range.i am still learning the importance of english, and constantly strive to expand vocabulary, english communication ability and has made substantial while, in order to enhance their overall quality, i actively participate in various activities, these experiences made me realize the importance of unity and cooperation, but also learned a lot socially expertise to improve the experience, this will join me in the future the community will play an importanteffect.

i also love poetry readings, and my thesis project topic is "on the" third generation "the pursuit of poetry," read by nearly one year to collect data and specific writing, that makes me the last time at the university ofpioneer of modern understanding of poetry is more all, i think i was fully in line from your company clerk recruitment network requirements - "good writing, expression, and appreciation of the article."possible, now i do not have much experience, but i was young, learning ability, and are willing to study hard, i fully believe that you can work this job!so, in this, i look forward to your company give me a platform to show their talent, i would be grateful, and the development of building blocks for your company!


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