


词语辨析 篇一




词汇搭配 篇二



Man proposes,God disposes.谋事在人,成事在天。

Where are you going to go tomorrow?Have you proposed?明天你到什么地方去?你打算好了吗?



We propose an early holiday in the spring.我们建议在春天放春假。

I propose an early start.我建议早些动身。

He proposed another meeting.他建议再开一次会议。

They proposed a change of the plan.他们建议更改计划。

He proposed a motion.他提出了一项动议。

He proposed Brougher's health.他提议为布鲁尔的健康干杯。

He proposed the health of all the ladies present.他举杯祝所有在座的女士们健康。

◇ 用于be ~ed 结构

The plan must be proposed by the headmaster at once.校长必须马上提出这项计划。

The plan was proposed but never carried out.计划是提出了,可是没有实施。


The engineer proposed to build a dam on the upper reach of the river.那位工程师建议在河流的上游修建一座水坝。

They proposed to make arrangement beforehand.他们提议事先做好安排。

She proposed to set off immediately.她提出我们马上出发。


Tom proposed delaying our decision until the next meeting.汤姆提议把我们的决定推迟到下次会议。

I propose resting for half an hour.我建议休息半小时。

They propose taking a tour in the summer.他们建议夏天出去旅游。

They proposed forming a group to investigate the case.他们建议成立一个小组调查这一案件。

We propose leaving at noon.我们打算在中午离开。


The teachers proposed that they should all go to the Museum of Natural History.教师们建议都去参观自然博物馆。

I propose that he should leave now.我建议他现在就走。

I propose that we should get down to our work.我提议我们应该静下心来好好地工作。

He proposed that the young man be the chairman.他提名那个年轻人当主席。

He proposed that a doctor be sent for.他提议应该把医生请来。

I proposed that he be sent to hospital at once.我建议必须立即把他送进医院。

◇ 用于be ~ed 结构

It was proposed that this matter be considered at the next meeting.有人提议,下次会议再研究此事。


词组短语 篇三

propose to someone 向某人求婚 propose a toast 敬酒;举杯

propose someone for 推荐某人(参加某组织);提名某人(任某职) propose to do 建议做。.。

propose marriage 求婚


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