


certain的释义 篇一

certain英 [?s??tn] 美 [?s??rtn] adj. 某一;必然的;确信;无疑的;有把握的

pron. 某些;某几个

n. (Certain)人名;(葡)塞尔塔因;(法)塞尔坦

[ 比较级 more certain 最高级 most certain ]

certain的用法 篇二

1、 be certain of [about] sth 对某事有把握或感到自信。如:

He’s certain of success. 他自信会成功。

Are you certain of [about] that? 你对此有把握吗?

2、 be certain to do sth 肯定会发生某事。如:

She’s certain to pass the exam. 她考试肯定会及格。

Spring is certain to follow winter. 冬季过后一定是春天。

注:该结构有时可用 I am certain that 来转换。如:

He is certain to come. / I am certain that he will come. 他肯定会来。

3、 be certain of doing sth 确信会发生某事。如:

He is certain of winning the match. 他确信能赢这场比赛。

注:该结构有时可与后接 that 从句的句型转换。如:

He is certain of passing the exam. / He is certain that hecan pass the exam. 她确信考试会及格。

4、 for certain 有把握,肯定地。如:

I don’t know for certain. 我知道得不确切。

I can’t say for certain when he will come. 我不敢肯定地说他什么时候来。

5、 make certain 弄清楚,弄得有把握,核实。如:

(1) 单独使用。如:

I think the train leaves at six o’clock but you ought to make certain. 我想火车是六点开吧,但你应该查清楚。

(2) 后接 that 从句。如:

Make certain (that) you know what time the train leaves. 你要弄清楚火车开出的确切时间。

(3) 后接 of 短语。如:

You must make certain of the date of the meeting. 你必须把开会的日期弄清楚。

We went to the theatre early and made certain of getting seats. 我们去戏院很早,以便可弄到座位。


Make certain of his safe arrival. / Make certain that he arrived safe. 弄清楚他是否安全抵达了。

certain的词组短语 篇三

a certain extent 一定程度上

a certain degree 到某种程度

for certain 肯定地;确凿地

certain level 某一水平

a certain amount of 一定数量的

certain of 有把握,确信

certain effect 一定的效果;确定效应

make certain 弄清楚;弄确实

certain areas 某些地区

to be certain 肯定

under certain circumstance adv. 在某种情况下

make certain of 把…了解清楚;弄明白

certain event 必然事件;全事象

certain的词语辨析 篇四

definite, certain, positive, sure这组词都有“无疑的,确信的”的意思,其区别是:

definite 指已毫无怀疑的余地。

certain 与sure同义,但语气比sure强,着重指有确切理由或不容置疑的证据所支)www.chayi5.com(持的确信。

positive 语气强烈,指对自己的看法或作的结论的正确性有不可动摇的信念。

sure 侧重主观上对某事确信无疑。

certain的例句 篇五

1、 There is a certain impatience among some of the soldiers.


2、 Over the years he's demonstrated a certain prescience in foreign affairs.


3、 I feel certain that it will all turn out well.


4、 There are certain things he does that drive me mad.


5、 Parents can programme the machine not to turn on at certain times.


6、 The stores are sometimes sold out of certain groceries.



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