


mouse英语例句库 篇一

1.The blate cat makes a pround mouse.猫儿腼腆,老鼠翻天。

2.The bird is hovering over a mouse.这只鸟在一只老鼠上方盘旋。

3.Mice will shred things such as newspapers.老鼠会扯碎报纸一类的东西。

4.He’s quiet as a mouse in class.上课的时候他总是悄没声儿的。

5.The cat nosed at the toy mouse.猫嗅着玩具老鼠。

6.Sinisan also dilatate vessel in auricle of mice.同时也发现四逆散还能扩张小白鼠耳廓血管。

7.A spinifex hopping mouse in its burrow entrance.Alice Springs Desert Park, Northern Territory, Australia.

8.Cheese is really a good lure for mice.奶酪是很好的引诱老鼠的诱饵。

9.To observe mutagenicity of siritch vapor condensate(SVC)in mice.研究胡麻油烟冷凝物对小鼠致突变作用。

the mouse pointer to the menu bar.将鼠标光标移向菜单栏。

11.I couldn't kill the mouse in cold blood.我不能残酷地弄死那只老鼠。

12.The mouse made away at the slightest sound.有一点响声老鼠就跑了。

13.A mouse dug a tunnel under the lawn.老鼠在草地下打了洞。

14.Watch that cat stealing up on the mouse.注意看那只猫正悄悄地接近老鼠。

15.You can move the cursor by using the mouse.你可以使用鼠标器来移动光标。

16.All the mice in the study expressed the defect.所有供研究的老鼠都证明了它们基因的缺陷

17.We could hear the mice scurrying about in the walls.我们能听见老鼠在墙里乱跑。

18.A mouse ran out from the dark orifice of the cave.一只老鼠从黑暗的洞口跑出。

19.Footage also showed mice devouring Atlantic petrel and great shearwater chicks.画面还显示,老鼠吞噬大西洋海燕和大海鸥类飞鸟的幼雏。

20.We will have to dispose of the mice in the attic.我们必须消灭阁楼里的老鼠。

mouse的意思 篇二

n. 老鼠,鼠标,羞怯[胆小]的人,[非正式用语] 眼部青肿

vi. 捕鼠,窥探,偷偷 地寻找

mouse用法 篇三





The mouse scurried into its hole when the cat appeared.猫一露面,老鼠急忙钻进自己的洞里。

The cat is playing with a live mouse.猫在戏弄那只活老鼠。

He remained a mouse in public affairs.在公众事务上他依然胆小如鼠。


1、Use your mouse to drag the pictures to their new size.


2、It's a cat-and-mouse game to him, and I'm the mouse.


3、You can check your email with a click of your mouse.


鼠年是用“rat”还是“mouse”呢? 篇四

鼠年,向外国人介绍中国生肖时,我们不免想到一个问题,鼠年到底用“Year of the Rat”还是“Year of the Mouse”呢?




一般来说,Mouse没有(负面含义,如可爱的Mickey mouse用的就是Mouse这个词。而Rat常有贬义,词义本来就可以指卑鄙小人和叛徒,如rat on这个词组意为背叛、告发。

这么说来,我们应该说“Year of the Mouse”吗?也不一定,今年各大网站、品牌都使用Year of the Rat, 连央视英文频道也用的Year of the Rat。

但其实说Year of the Mouse也是正确的,但大家在生肖中使用的是Year of the Rat,于是大家就习惯使用这种说法了。

mouse词组 | 习惯用语 篇五

mouse button 鼠标按钮

mickey mouse 米老鼠

mouse pointer n. [计]鼠标指针

cat and mouse 猫戏老鼠;恣意玩弄折磨(像猫对老鼠般)

mouse pad 滑鼠垫

optical mouse 光电鼠标

nude mouse n. [医]裸鼠;裸小鼠;无毛鼠(指实验室中饲养的老鼠)

like a drowned mouse adv. 狼狈不堪

mouse mat 鼠标垫

field mouse 田鼠

mechanical mouse 机械鼠标

house mouse 家鼠


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