


片语用法 篇一

例:He used her worse than ever. 他待她比过去更糟了。

.【事】 习惯,惯常的作法,惯例 篇二

例: an instrument with some uses 几种用途的仪器

.对待. 篇三

例:He promised to use his influence. 他答应运用他的影响力。

use的用法例句 篇四

1、Trim off the excess pastry using a sharp knife


2、You used all the ice cubes and didn't put the ice trays back


3、He denied he had used drugs


4、Wash your hands after using the toilet


5、The judge liked using the word 'wicked' of people he had sent to jail


.【事】 用处,效用,益处,效果 be of (great) use (非常)有用,(非常)有益 篇五

例: Use is (a) second nature. 【谚】 习惯是第二天性

Once a use, for ever a custom. 【谚】 习惯成自然。

其他常见搭配短语 篇六

out of use 不用的

in use 使用中的

use up 用光

be used up被用光/ 筋疲力尽

make full use of 充分利用

use练习 篇七

The knife _______ cutting things.

2.I _________ play the piano when I was young.

3.He did not __________ get up early in the morning.

4.It is very ______________ to learn English well 5.It is ____________ to say it without doing it.

vt. 及物动词 篇八

例: be (of) no use 没有,无益

It is no use crying over spilt milk. 【谚】 牛奶已泼,哭也无用 (覆水难收)

.耗费 篇九

例: May I use your pen? 我用一下你的笔可以吗?


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