


meat英语例句库 篇一

1.It's a meat shower, meat shower. -Scallopini and salted pork.是肉阵雨、肉��雨。-油炸薄肉片和加盐的猪肉。

2.Put the cut fish meat into the meat grinder, and then the fishpaste is finished.将切下来的鱼肉,放进绞肉机绞碎,这样鱼茸就做好了。

3.The meat is not cooked enough.这肉未烧到火候。

4.This meat substitute approximates the real thing.这主题的内容基本接近实情

5.Don’t let the meat defrost too quickly.不要让肉解冻得太快。

6.He dug a fork into the meat.他把叉子叉入肉中。

7.I am not fond of eating meat.我不喜欢吃肉。

8.He stuffed the chicken with Frankfort meat.他用灌香肠的碎肉给鸡填馅。

9.The meat is roasting in the oven.肉在炉子里烤着。

10.She sliced me a piece of meat.她给我切了一片肉。

11.The meat was stewing in the pan.肉正炖在锅里。

12.The meat is too tough to eat.这肉老得不能吃。

13.The dog was biting a piece of meat.那只狗叼着一块肉。

14.The butcher will trust us for the meat.肉店老板将把肉赊给我们。

15.The butcher weighed the meat on the scales.肉贩用盘秤称肉。

16.Sheep meat, Yangpai, Gigot, sheep looting, sheep Vol.绵羊肉,羊排,羊腿,羊抢,羊卷。

17.There is not much meat in this argument.这番议论没有什么实质内容。

18.Put the meat into the oven to roast.把肉放到炉子里去烤。

19.The smell of the rotten meat was enough!这腐臭的肉闻一下就够人受的了!

20.The meat was salted away for future use.这肉腌过了, 以备以后食用。

meat词组 | 习惯用语 篇二

red meat 红色肉类(牛肉,羊肉等)

eat meat 吃肉

meat product 肉制品,肉类食品

fresh meat 新鲜肉类

white meat n. 白肉

raw meat 生肉;原料肉

lean meat 瘦肉

cold meat 冻肉;冷藏肉;(西餐)冷盘肉

chicken meat 鸡肉

frozen meat 冻肉;冷冻肉

crab meat 蟹肉;灌装冻蟹肉,冻蟹肉

rabbit meat 兔肉

minced meat 肉末;肉馅

chilled meat 冷却肉;冷冻肉

meat and drink 饮食;无穷的乐趣

roast meat 铁板烤肉

duck meat 鸭肉

meat grinder n. 绞肉机

fat meat 肥肉

dark meat 含血肉,深色肉;黑肉(指禽类的腿等部分烧不白的肉)

meat的意思 篇三

n. 肉,食物,实质

adj. 重要的,基本的

meat用法 篇四




a cut of meat指“一块〔刀〕肉”; a dish of meat指“一盘肉”; a piece of meat指“一片肉”。


The meat will rot if it isn't kept cool.肉如果不冷藏就会腐败。

She gave some of the meat to the cat.她把一些肉给猫吃了。

There's not much meat on that bone.那块骨头上没多少肉。


1、Remove the meat with a fork and divide it among four plates.


2、The government increased prices on several basic commodities like bread and meat.


3、The meat they'd managed to procure assuaged their hunger.



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