


英语cease的单语例句 篇一

1. Despite the regimen's promised benefits, many students cease doing calisthenics after they graduate from school.

2. The three companies call on the commission to " issue an exclusion order and cease and desist orders " on the wireless devices in question.

3. At the end of the Games, each team will take their petal home and the cauldron will cease to exist.

4. " They go back to Myanmar immediately after the conflicts cease ", Liu added.

5. Most of the stranded fishermen have been rescued or are in safe waters, but rescue vessels will st www.chayi5.com ay near boats in danger until the strong winds cease.

6. He called on parties concerned in the conflict to exercise restraint, cease military action and armed conflict and create conditions for peaceful talks and political settlement.

7. BEIJING - China on Thursday again urged the Philippines to cease all provocative activities, and show its sincerity in conducting serious diplomatic dialogues with China.

8. He emphasized that DPP leaders and the small number of diehard secessionists must give up their " Taiwan Independence " attempts and cease separatist activities.

9. A committee of property owners will hand the signatures over to relevant departments to persuade them to cease construction of the project in the district.

单词cease的词典解释 篇二

1. 停止;终了;消失

If something ceases, it stops happening or existing.

e.g. At one o'clock the rain had ceased.


2. 停止;终止

If you cease to do something, you stop doing it.

e.g. He never ceases to amaze me...


e.g. The secrecy about the President's condition had ceased to matter...


3. 停止;终止

If you cease something, you stop it happening or working.

e.g. The Tundra Times, a weekly newspaper in Alaska, ceased publication this week.


英文cease的中文意思 篇三

英 [si:s] 美 [sis]


及物动词 停止,终止,结束

不及物动词 终止,停止; 永不停止的过程; 停止行动

名词 停止



1. At last they ceased working for lack of capital.


2. The matter has ceased to be a mystery to anyone.


3. The general ordered his troops to cease fire.



1. The experiments have ceased.


2. The great man ceased to think.



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