


英语感叹句经典练习题 篇一


1.They are very beautiful flowers.

________ ________ ________they are!

________ ________ ________ flowers are!

2.The woman is very kind(善良的)。

________ ________ the woman is!

________ ________ kind woman!

3.They had a good idea.

________ ________ ________ idea they had!

二、用What, What a/an, 或How填空。

1、 ________ clever boy he is!

2、 ________ cold it is today!

3、 ________ nice weather it is!

4、 ________ hard they are working!

5、 ________ well he writes!

6、 ________ noisy place (it is)!

7、 ________ beautifully he draws!

8、 _________ well you look!

9、 _________ interesting film it is!

10、 ________ carefully he is drawing!

11、 ________ hard he works!

12、 ________ hard work it is!


13、 ________ pretty a girl she is!

14.________ honest boy Tom is !

15、 _________ slowly it moved!


1、 It is quite a nice present.

→_________ _________ nice present!

2、 We have fine weather today.

→_________ _________ weather we have today!

3、 It’s sunny today.

→_________ _________ sunny day it is today!

4、 The children are working hard.

→_________ _________ the children are working!


1、 He is a handsome boy.


2、 The girl is beautiful.


3、 Peter runs fast.


4、 It is raining heavily.


5、 You are stupid.


6、 I had a tasty meal.

______________________________________________________ 2

7.Our classroom is very clean.


8、 They are polite boys.


9、 It is raining heavily.



1.The classroom is clean.(How)


2.The elephant is very heavy.(How)


3.She is a happy girl.(What)


4.It‘s a nice coat. (What)


5.The beds are dirty (脏)。(How)


6.The teachers are very busy.(How)


















1、 This is an old watch.



2、 The food is so nice.



3、 These questions are very easy.



4、 She has long hair.


____________________________________________________________ 4

英语感叹句经典练习题 篇二


1、 _________ delicious the dish is!

A. What B. How C. What a

2、 ________ strange clothes he is wearing!

A. What a B. What C. How a

3、 ________ an interesting subject it is!

A. What B. How C. What an

4、 ________ foggy it was yesterday!

A. What B. What a C. How

5、 ________ careless a boy you are!

A. How B. What a C. What

6、 ________ a nice watch it is!

A. How B. What C. What a D. How a

7、 _________ bright girls they are!

A. What B. What a C. How D. How a

8、 _________interesting the film is!(1998湖北)

A. What B. What an C. How D. How an

9.________ sunny day! Lets go out for a walk.

A. How a B. How C. What a D. What

10、 ________ hard work it is!

答案 篇三

一、1.B 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.A


1.What a beautiful picture Jill is drawing!/ How beautiful a picture Jill is drawing!

2.What a busy man Mr Wang is!/ How busy a man Mr Wang is !

3.How happy the cat is!/ What a happy cat it is!

4.How slowly the tractor is going!

5.How lucky he is!

6.What a wet day it is today!/ How wet a day it is today!

7.How early they started!

8.What a long time they waited!

9.What a large shirt he is wearing!/ How large a shirt he is wearing!

10.How happily the dolphin is playing!

把下列的句子改为感叹句。(答案不唯 篇四

1.A: Jill is drawing a beautiful picture.

B: ___________________________

2.A: Mr Wang is a busy man.

B: ___________________________

3.A: The cat is very happy.

B: ___________________________

4.A: The tractor is going very slowly.

B: ___________________________

5.A: He is very lucky.

B: ___________________________

6.A: It is a wet day today.

B: ___________________________

7.A: They started early.

B: ___________________________

8.A: They waited a long time.

B: ___________________________

9.A: He is wearing a large shirt.

B: ___________________________

10.A: The dolphin is playing happily.

B: ___________________________

选择题 篇五

1.____ delicious the dish is!

A. What B. How C. What a

2.____ strange clothes he is wearing!

A. What a B. What C. How a

3.____ an interesting subject it is!

A. What B. How C. What an

4.____ foggy it was yesterday!

A. What B. What a C. How

5.____ careless a boy you are!

A. How B. What a C. What


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