


七年级上期末英语复习资料 篇一


1, 谢谢你的全家福Thanks for the photo of your family.

你的全家福 photo of your family = your family photo

2 谢谢你帮了我 Thanks for helping me =Thanks for your help

2 here be 句型和there be 句型一样 ,临近原则 Here is a cup of tea and two apples 。

语法: 初中英语语法基础知识,也是初中英语考试的复习重点,河南中招英语考试。

1)单数名词加s: students, apples, bags, trees, books, brothers.?

2)以s、x、sh、ch结尾的名词加es: glasses, boxes, brushes, matches.?

3)以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,变y为i加es: cities, babies, enemies.?4)以f或fe结尾的名词,多数变f为v加es: wives, knives.但有些词只加s: roofs, proof s, chiefs.?

5)以o结尾的名词,有生命的加es: Negroes, heroes, tomatoes, potatoes.无生命的加s: radio s, zoos, pianos, photos.?

6)不规则名词:foot→feet, goose→geese, tooth→teeth, child→children, man→me n, woman→women, sheep→sheep, deer→deer, mouse→mice

7)集体名词,以单数形式出现,但实为复数。例如: people police cattle 等本身就是复数,不能说 a people,a police,a cattle,但可以说a person,a policeman

初一英语知识点归纳 篇二



一) 单数在后面加’s。

如:brother’s, Mike’s, teacher’s


如:Teachers’ Day教师节, classmates’同学们的


Children’s Day六一节, Women’s Day三八节

二) 由and并列的名词所有格,


如:Mike and Ben’s room迈克和本的房间(共住一间),


如:Mike’s and Ben’s rooms迈克和本的房间(各自的房间)


包括:人称代词 物主代词 指示代词 反身代词

人称代词:主格 宾格 物主代词:形容词性 名词性 反身代词

第一人称 单数 I me my mine myself

复数 we us our ours ourselves

第二人称 单数 you you your yours yourself

复数 you you your yours yourselves

第三人称 单数 she her her hers herself

he him his his himself

it it its its itself

复数 they them their theirs themselves

指示代词:单数 this that

复数 these those

初一英语重要知识点 篇三

在英语中询问“怎么样?”是个很常见的话题,牵涉到不同的意思和不同的句型,只有以恰当的句型去适应不同的意思,才能体现 “原汁原味”的英语。常见的相关句型有:

一、在询问、提出建议或征求对方意见时,用“What (how) about.。.?”的句型,about 的后面可以接名词、动名词或代词。如:

I'm going to fly a kite this afternoon. What about you?


What about playing chess now? 现在下棋怎么样?

二、要询问某人或某事现在的情况(如身体状况,学习状况等),用“How is (are)。.。?”的句型。如:

How's everything there?


How's your father? Is he much better now?


三、要询问人的外貌、品德(重点指客观印象)或天气情况,用“What's 。.。 like 。.。?的句型。如:

What's the weather like today? = How's the weather today?


— What's his mother like?

— She's tall and thin.





1 want to do sth 想要作某事

2 give sb sth = give sth to sb 给某人某物 / 把某物给某人

3 help sb do sth 帮助某人作某事 Eg: I want to help my mother do some housework at home.

4 help sb with sth 帮助某人谋事 Eg: I want to help my mother with some housework at home

5 in the day 在白天

6 at night 在晚上

7 talk with/ to sb 和谈话

8 be busy doing sth 忙于做某事 Eg: He is busy listening to the teacher.

9 in a hospital 在医院l

10 work/ study hard 努力工作

11 Evening Newspaper 晚报


1 询问职业的特殊疑问词是what; 有三种主要句式

① What + is / are + sb?

② What + does/ do + sb + do?

③ What + is/ are + 名词所有格/ 形容词性物主代词 + job?

2 People give me their money or get their money from me.

3 Sometimes I work in the day and sometimes at night.

4 I like talking to people.

5 I work late. I’m very busy when people go out to dinners.

6 Where does your sister work?

7 then we have a job for you as a waiter.

初一英语知识要点 篇四





1 one, 2 two, 3 three, 4 four, 5 five, 6 six, 7 seven, 8 eight, 9 nine, 10 ten,

11 eleven, 12 twelve, 13 thirteen, 14 fourteen, 15 fifteen, 16 sixteen, 17 seventeen, 18

eighteen, 19 nineteen, 20 twenty, 30 thirty, 40 forty, 50 fifty, 60 sixty, 70 seventy, 80 eighty,

90 ninety,100 a hundred, 1,000 a thousand, 1,000,000 a million, 1,000,000,000 a billion.

基数词 1-12 是独立单词,需逐个记忆。基数词13 - 19是个位数词的词干后加-teen 构

成。其中 thirteen, fifteen, eighteen, 变化不规则。基数词 20—90 是在十位数词后面加

-ty 构成。基数词 21—99 是在十位数词后面加上个位数词合成,中间加上连字符“-”。

例如:21 twenty-one。

基数词三位以上的数词,在百位和十位之间,一般要用连词“and”。例如:342 three

hundred and forty-two

表示“万”的词英语中没有,如1万可用10千来表示:ten thousand. 30万可用 three

hundred thousand 来表示。



1. 一般现在时的含义⑴表示现在的状态⑵表示经常或习惯性的动作⑶表示主语具备的性格和能力。

2. 一般现在时的谓语构成


肯定式 I am… 否定式 I am not…

You/We/They are… You/We/They aren’t…

She/He/It is… She/He/It isn’t…


Am I…? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.

Are you…? Yes, I am/we are. No, I am not/we aren’t.

Are we/they…? Yes, we/they are. No, we/they aren’t.

⑵动词 do

肯定式 I/We/You/They+动词原形+其他成分


否定式 I/We/You/They don’t+动词原形+其他成分

She/He/It doesn’t +动词原形+其他成分


Do I/you/we/they+动词原形+其他成分

Yes, I/you/we/they do. No, I/you/we/they don’t.

Does she/he/it +动词原形+其他成分

Yes, she/he/it does. No, she/he/it doesn’t.



一般情况下直接+s work-works ask-asks see-sees

以s, x, ch, sh, o 结尾+es watch-watches go-goes do-does wash-washes

以辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i加es try-tries study-studies fly-flies

不规则变化 have-has

七年级级英语上册知识点 篇五

※1. 名词

①表示人或事物的名称,如 boy, clock, book, tree。


专有名词是个别的人、事物、地点等专有的名称,如: Jim, China

专有名词的第一个字母要大写,如:Beijing, New York


可数名词:可以用数目计算,有单数和复数两种形式,如:an apple, two apples, a car, some cars

不可数名词:一般无法用数目计算,没有复数形式,且不用不定冠词a/an修饰,如:water, milk, meat, tea, bread, rice


注:①少数名词的复数是不规则的,如: man→men woman→women child→children

②表示民族的名词,有的在词尾加 s ,如: an American→three Americans

③有的单、复数形式相同,如: a Chinese→four Chinese a sheep→three sheep a deer→five deer

※2. 冠词

冠词是一种虚词,不能单独使用,只能和一个名词一起使用,并帮助说明此名词。冠词有两类,即定冠词the 和不定冠词a/an。

①不定冠词 常表示“一”的概念,有两种形式:a和an。a用在辅音音素开头的单数可数名词前,如:a book, a pen;an用在元音音素开头的名词前,如:an apple,an orange,an egg。

②定冠词the 常表示“这个”“那个”“这些”“那些”的概念,the在元音音素前读,在辅音音素前读 ,如:the moon, the evening。

eg. ①-Do you have an English book?

-Yes, but the English book is broken.

② There is a chicken in the picture.

③ We can't see the sun at night.

④ The Browns are going to the park this Sunday.

⑤ Shanghai is in the east of China.

七年级英语上册重要知识点总结 篇六


1、三种人称:第一人称(I, we),第二人称(you, you),第三人称(he, she, it, Maria)。

2、人称代词的主格,即人称代词位于句子主语位置时的形态:I, We, You, You, He, She, It, Maria.

3、人称代词的宾格,即人称代词位于句子宾语位置时的形态:me, us, you, you, him, her, it.

4、形容词性物主代词:my, our, your, your, his, her, its, their.

5、名词性物主代词:mine, ours, yours, yours, his, hers, its, theirs.

6、反身代词:myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, himself, herself, itself, themselves.

七年级上册英语知识点 篇七


要熟练掌握元音和辅音,5个元音字母(a, e, i, o, u),字母的正确占格及单词间距。


be动词有三种变形,分别是:am, is, are。记忆口诀:

“我”用am, “你”用are, is用于“他、她、它”;单数全都用is,复数全部都用are。


1、三种人称:第一人称(I, we),第二人称(you, you),第三人称(he, she, it, Maria)。

2、人称代词的主格,即人称代词位于句子主语位置时的形态:I, We, You, You, He, She, It, Maria。

3、人称代词的宾格,即人称代词位于句子宾语位置时的形态:me, us, you, you, him, her, it。

4、形容词性物主代词:my, our, your, your, his, her, its, their。

5、名词性物主代词:mine, ours, yours, yours, his, hers, its, theirs。

6、反身代词:myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, himself, herself, itself, themselves。


zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three,twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty,seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred,one hundred and one。





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