


Lessons 6新概念英语第二册课后答案详解 篇一

新概念英语第二册第6课词汇学习 Word study


(1)vi. 敲门:

Someone is knocking at the door.


I knocked, but no one answered.


(2)vt., vi. 碰撞:

You always knock things off the table. 你总是碰掉桌上的东西。

Jim was knocked over by a bus this morning.


She has knocked a cup over again.


(3)vt. 把(某人)打成……状态:

Bob is very strong. He knocked Tom out yesterday.



A vt.(价格上)减去,除去,打折扣:

They knocked five dollars off the price of the coat.


B vi. 下班,停止,中断(工作等):

When do you usually knock off?


He knocked off for lunch at half past eleven.



(1)vt., vi. 叫,喊:

I heard someone calling.


(2)vt. 呼唤,召唤:

Lucy is sick. Please call a doctor.


(3)vi. 访问,拜访;(车、船等)停靠:

Amy called(at our house) yesterday.


I have just called on Mr. Frith.


The train calls at large stations only.


新概念英语第二册第6课练习答案 Key to written exercises


A Some meat, a desk, some tobacco, a tin of beans, a comb, acity, a/ some cloth, some oil, a bottle of beer, a day, a word, a student, some sugar, some rain, an orange, a/ some rubber

D (sample answers)

1 I found an old coin in the garden.

2 I put some sugar in my tea.

3 I cut some wood for a/ the fire.

4 I bought a newspaper yesterday.

5 I made some coffee.

6 I like the curtains in this room.


A 1 out 2 over 3 off 4 at

B 1 knocked him out

2 knock off

3 knocked 20% off the price


1 d 2 a 3 c 4 d 5 d 6 a

7 d 8 a 9 b 10 a 11d 12 a

新概念英语第二册课后练习题答案 篇二

1、 c

根据课文第6-9行,In 1860, a better plan was put forward by an Englishman.。.This would solve the problem of ventilation.。.可以判断只有c. his tunnel would be better ventilated(他的隧道会通风更好)是课文所暗示的情况,因为它说明了为什么William 的计划比Aime Thome de Gamond 的好的原因,其他3个选择都于课文实际内容不符合。

2、 c

根据课文第9-10行 Forty-two years later a tunnel was actually begun 可以看出,只有c. began a long time after William Low put up his plan 与课文事实相符,其他3个选择都与课文实际内容不符。

3、 c

前一句It would be possible to build a platform 意思为“建造一座平台是可能的”。该句的主语是A platform, 需要选一个合适的动词做谓语,使它同前一句含义相同。 a. could build 和d. would build 都是主动语态,但是本句的主语是物不是人,故都不应该用主动语态。 b. would be built 和 c. could be built 都是被动语态,合乎语法,但是could be built (可能或能够被建成)比would be built (会被建成)意思更贴切,更接近前一句的含义,所以选c.

4、 c

该句的谓语动词suggested 后面只能跟动名词短语或that 从句,从句中用should加动词原形才合乎语法。

所以只有c. building 是动名词,最符合语法,所以选c.

a. b. d. 都不符合语法。

5、 b

a. would been 语法错误,没有这样来用的。

c. would have been 与前一句时态不符合,前一句是过去将来时,而would have been 是对过去发生的事情的一种推测。意思是“本来应该怎样,但事实上没有做”,现在完成将来时。

d. had been 与前一句时态也不符合,它是过去完成时。

只有b. would be 与前一句时态符合,都是过去将来时,所以选b.

6、 b

因为主句的动词是would 加动词原形,所以if 引导的条件句应该是一般过去时,才能成为与现在事实相反的虚拟语气。 a. would enter, c. will enter, d. enters 都不是一般过去时,只有b. entered 是一般过去时,因此只能选b.

7、 c

a. interesting in ; b. interested for 和 d. interesting for 这3个选择都不合乎习惯用法,不是正确的表达方式,只有c. interested in (对……感兴趣)是固定短语,最合乎题目意思,所以应该选c.

8、 c

只有c. ventilation(通风)是前一句中的动词ventilated(通风)的名词形式,因此c.最符合题目意思,选c.

而a. air, b. airing, c. circulation(循环,流通)都不是ventilate 的名词形式,所以多不对。

air 有使通风的意思,跟ventilate 意思比较接近,但是ventilate 的名词形式是ventilation 而不是air,所以不用air.

9、 a

该句需要选一个同前一句中的put forward (提出)含义相同的动词,才能使两个句子意义相同。 a. suggested (建议);b. intended (想要,打算);c. aimed at (瞄准,对着)和d. planned (计划)4个词中只有a. 同put forward 含义最接近,所以选a.

10、 b

该句需要选一个同前一句中的动词feared (害怕)意义相同的词或词组,才能同前面句子意义相同。 a. in favour of (赞成,支持);b. afraid of (害怕);c. prevented (阻止);和d. ended (结果)中,只有b 同feared 意义相同,所以应该选b.

11、 b


a. mixed(混合);

b. joined together(连接在一起);

c. rejoined(再接合);

d. combined(联合,结合)中,只有b.同connects 含义最接近,所以选b.

12、 b

该句需要选出一个同前一句中的completed (完成的)意义相同的词,以使两个句子意义相同。a. ended (结束);b. finished (完成,做完);c. prevented (阻止)和d. stopped (停止)中,只有b. 同completed 含义相同,所以选b.

Lessons 21新概念英语第二册课后答案详解 篇三

词汇学习 Word study


(1)vt.,vi. 驾驶,驾车:

You must have been driving at seventy miles an hour. 你刚才一定是以每小时70英里的速度开车。

Mary drives(her car) very slowly.玛丽开车开得很慢。

(2)vt. 赶,驱赶,围赶(猎物、敌人等):

With the help of two dogs, he drove the sheep down the mountain.在两只牧羊犬的帮助下,他把羊从山上赶了下来。

(3)vt. 逼迫,迫使:

Aeroplanes are slowly driving me mad.飞机正在慢慢地把我逼疯。

The death of all her children has driven her mad. 她所有的孩子的去世把她逼疯了。


home 一般译为"家"、"家庭",着重指所居住的人,常有爱、温暖、舒适、安全等隐含意义。house通常译为"房子"、"房屋"、"住宅",指的是建筑物。试体会它们的区别:

They live in a large house.他们住在一所大房子里。(不可用home)

My father is at home now.我父亲现在在家。(不可用 house/at house)

Tom must be somewhere in the house.汤姆肯定在这屋子里的某个地方。(不可用home)

I have a sweet home.我有一个甜蜜的家庭。(不可用house)

练习答案 Key to written exercises


A …passing planes can be heard(1.2); The airport was built (1.2); it could not be used then(1. 3); a hundred people must have been driven away(11.4-5); this house will be knocked down by a passing plane(11.6-7); I have been offered a large sum of money(1.7)

C 1 A message will be sent immediately.

2 All these goods must be sold.

3 I told you the parcel would be received in time.

4 The letter has to be delivered by hand.

5 Your letter must have been lost In the post.


A (sample answers)

The dog drove the sheep out of the field.

The police drove the crowds back.

I drove my car into the garage.

B1 home 2 houses 3 house 4 home


1c 2d 3c 4d 5a 6c

7b 8b 9a 10d 11c 12c

Lessons 10~11新概念英语第二册课后答案详解 篇四

新概念英语第二册第10-11课词汇学习 Word study



My salary is paid on the 28th of the month.



When I worked as a waiter, the wages were low, but the tips were good.


Women often get low wages.




He borrowed my pen yesterday. He hasn't given me it yet.


Can I borrow £ 20 from you please? I'll pay/ give it back tomorrow.



He refused to lend any money to Tom.


Can you lend me £ 20 please? I'll pay/ give it back tomorrow.


Can you lend your car to me this afternoon?


新概念英语第二册第10-11课练习答案 Key to written exercises


A a he is now working (1.2)

b he gets (1.3); he always borrows (1.3); never pays it back (1.4)

c came in…worked (11.2-2); Tony saw (1.4); came and sat (1.4); I asked him (1.6); he gave me (1.7); Tony said (1.8)

d He has never borrowed (1.5); I have never borrowed (1.7)

e I was having (1.1); he was eating (1.6)

C 1 gets…got

2 have not had

3 was writing…talked/ were talking

4 am typing

5 passed/ were passing

D The Taj Mahal was built…after he became/ had become ruler, his wife…died. The Taj Mahal was built in her honour. Experts were called in…The Taj Mahal, which was begun in 1632 and (was) completed in 1654, cost a fortune…it has been visited by…



A 1 The officer ordered the men to fire at the enemy.

2 He wants his wife to wear this dress.

3 She wants us to explain it.

4 I cannot allow him to enter the room.

B (sample sentences)

1 He asked me to help him.

2 We preferred her to stay at home.

3 He taught me to speak English.

4 My mother wished me to collect the laundry.

5 Do you want her to visit you?


1 salary 2 lent…salary/ wages 3 borrowed 4 wages 5 wages


1 b 2 b 3 b 4 a 5 b 6 c

7 c 8 a 9 c 10 c 11b 12 d

新概念英语第二册课后练习题答案 篇五


根据课文第6-7行…and was not surprised to see that Hugh was still as fat as ever 可以看出只有b. but he didn’t lose any weight at all 与课文的实际内容相符,其他3个选择都与课文的实际情况相符。

2、 c

根据课文第9-10行he explained that his diet was so strict that he had to reward himself occasionally 可以判断只有c. hasn’t kept to a strict diet(没有严格的控制饮食)是课文所暗示的情况,而其他3个选择都不符课文的实际内容。

3、 d

只有选d. is 才能使这个句子的意义和时态同前一句相协调。 a. was 时态不对。 b. has 不是系动词,不能跟形容词。c. has been 时态不对,表示"他现在仍然很胖",没有必要用现在完成时。

4、 d

本句的时间状语是How long ago 表示过去的时间,因此应该用一般过去时。 a. will he begin 是将来时;b. has he begun 是完成时;c. was he beginning 是过去进行时,这3个选择时态都不对,只有d. did he begin 是一般过去时,最合乎语法,所以应该选d.

5、 d

只有d. in 可以同本句的动词included 连用表示“包括”,所以d.是正确的。

其他3个都不能同 include 连用构成短语动词。

6、 a

这是一个一般过去时疑问句,需要选一个正确的谓语动词,只有a. hide 是原形动词,最符合语法,因为疑问句中已经有助动词did 了,所以谓语动词要用动词原形,而不能用过去式。b. hidden 是过去分词;c. hid 是hide的过去式,d. hiding 是进行式,后3个选择都不对。

7、 d

只有d. guilty(内疚的)最合乎语法,因为本句的谓语动词是felt(感到),它是系动词,所以后面只能跟形容词做表语,guilty是形容词,所以选d.

c. guiltless也是形容词,但与guilty意思相反,不符合前一句的意思,所以不选它。

8、 c

前一句中的forbidden 是“禁止”的意思,本句需要选出与它的含义相反的词。a. left (离开,剩下),b. let (让),c. allowed (允许)和d. aloud(大声地)4个答案中只有c. allowed 是forbidden 的反义词,所以选c.

9、 a

只有a. visited him 是正确的,因为它同前一句I paid him a visit 的含义相同,其他3个选择都不是正确的表达方式。

10、 d

a. steered(驾驶船或车);

b. pulled(拖或拉);

c. drove(驾驶)

d. showed 才能使句子的意思与前一句的意思相同,所以我们选d.

11、 d

本句需要选一个同前一句中的embarrassed(感到尴尬的)意义相近的词。 a. shy (害羞的,腼腆的);b. shameful(可耻的);c. hot (热的);d. uncomfortable(不安的,不自在的)4个选择中只有d. uncomfortable 与embarrassed 的意义相近,所以选d.

12、 b

本句需要选一个与前一句中的occasionally (偶尔地,不时地)意思相同的短语。

a. again and again(一遍又一遍);

b. now and again(不时地);

c. once again(再一次);

d. over and over again(一遍又一遍地,反复地)

4个选择中只有b. now and again 同occasionally 的含义相同,所以选b.

新概念英语第二册课后练习题答案 篇六

新概念英语第二册课后习题 lesson 80

1、 c


2、 b

根据课文第10-11行 …and the profits from the exhibition were used to build museums and colleges 暗示出博览会是非常成功的,所以只有b. highly successful 是正确的,与课文所暗示的情况相符。而其他3个选择a. failure (失败),c. not very profitable (不太获利的) 和d. spoilt by fire (被烧毁)都与课文内容不符。

3、 d

只有选d. in 才符合语法,因为英语中“在某年”需要用介词in,而其他3个选择都不能用在年代前面,所以选d.

4、 a

本句需要一个同前一句中的a great many(大量的,很多)含义最接近的词组。 才能与前一句意思相接近。

a. quite a few(相当多,不少)只能修饰可数名词。

b. quite a little(不少,相当多)只能修饰不可数名词

c. not too many (不太多)意思与a great many 相反

d. very much(很,非常)常做副词,修饰动词。

所以只有a. 与 a great many 意思最接近,所以选a

5、 d

该句是用it 作形式主语,后面是动词be 加形容词,需要选一个合适的短语作真正的主语,才能使此句意思完整。按照语法规则,在这类句子中只有to + 动词不定式或动词+ -ing 形式才能做真正主语。 所以a. for traveling, b. in traveling , c. in order to travel 都不符合语法,只有d. to travel 合乎语法,所以应该选d. 6. c

前面的短语on arriving in england 是表示时间的,意思是“一到英国”,本句的前面需要一个能引导时间状语从句的连词,才能与前面的短语含义相同,a. on, b. why 和d. where 都不能引导时间从句,只有c. when 可以引导时间从句,意思为“当……时候”,所以只能选c.

7、 a

只有a. of 最合乎语法,一般形容词的最高级后面往往需要介词of 或in 引导的短语作限定语。 b. from , c. by 和d. than 这3个选择都不合乎语法,所以选a.

8、 d

该句需要一个同前一句的形容词extraordinary(非凡的,特别的)含义相同的词。 a. extreme(极度的,极端的), b. funny(可笑的), c. big(大的)这3个都与extraordinary 的含义不同,只有 d. exceptional(异常的,罕见的)与extraordinary 的含义最接近,所以选d.

9、 c

本句需要选一个与前一句中的形容词various (不同的,各种各样的)哈尼相同的形容才能和前一句的意思相吻合。a. mixed (混合的。);b. assorted (不同种类的,分类的);d. mixed up (混乱的,混淆的)这3个选择都与various 的含义不同,只有c. different (不同的,各种各样的)与various 的意义相同,所以选c.

10、 c

前一句there was a great deal of machinery 意思为“有很多机器”,machinery 虽然是单数形式,但却有复数含义,表示所有机器的总称。 a. was one big machines , b. was one big engine, d. was one powerful machine 这3个选择都只说出一台机,去前一句含义不符,只有c. were many machines 与前一句的意思相同,所以c.是最佳答案。

11、 d

a. all 不符合语法,因为all 是代词,它前面应该用定冠词; b. whole(全部,全体,总和)虽然可以做名词,但它很少单独做表语。 c. result(结果)词义不符合这一句。只有d. total(总数,总额)与前一句意思一致。

12、 b

a. benefits (利益,好处);

b. earnings(赢利,利润);

c. winnings(获胜,胜利);

d. excesses(超过,超过量,余额);


Lessons 15新概念英语第二册课后答案详解 篇七

新概念英语第二册第15课词汇学习 Word study

nervous adj.


She is a nervous woman. Do you see that nervous smile on her face?



I feel very nervous before exams.


He had never spoken in public, so he was very nervous.


(3)与nervous容易混淆的另一个词是 irritable(易怒的,急躁的):

Our teacher is an irritable old lady. She gets angry easily.


afford vt.


We can/can't afford a car this year.



I can't afford to be ill again.


I can only afford one week for the trip.



Joe afforded us a room for the night.


新概念英语第二册第15课练习答案 Key to written exercises


A 1a The secretary told me that Mr. Harmsworth would see me.

b'Mr. Harmsworth will see you. '

2 a Mr. Harmsworth said that business was very bad.

b 'Business is very bad.'

3 a Mr. Harmsworth told me that the firm could not afford to pay such large salaries.

b 'The firm cannot afford to pay such large salaries. '

B 1 told… would come/would be coming

2 said…(had) cut

3 told… had never played

4 did he say…had done/would do

5 did he tell…(had) bought/would buy

6 said…could not

7 said…(had) worked

8 told…wrote/writes/had never written

9 did you say…were/had been

10 said…would wait


1 study 2 office 3 nervous 4 afford 5 irritable


1d 2b 3c 4b 5c 6d

7a 8d 9c 10c 11c 12b


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