


free的词典解释 篇一

1、 免费的

If something is free, you can have it or use it without paying for it.

e.g. The seminars are free, with lunch provided.


e.g. 。.。a free brochure with details of gift vouchers.


2、 free of charge -> see charge

3、 自由的;不受约束的;没有限制的

Someone or something that is free is not restricted, controlled, or limited, for example by rules, customs, or other people.

e.g. The government will be free to pursue its economic policies.。.


e.g. The elections were free and fair.。.


4、 使摆脱;使去掉

If you free someone of something that is unpleasant or restricting, you remove it from them.

e.g. It will free us of a whole lot of debt.。.


e.g. The 30-year-old star is trying to free himself from his recording contract.

这位30 岁的明星正试图从他的唱片合约中脱身。

5、 (人身)自由的;不受监禁(或奴役)的

Someone who is free is no longer a prisoner or a slave.

e.g. He walked from the court house a free man.。.


e.g. More than ninety prisoners have been set free so far under a government amnesty.

目前已有 90 多名犯人因为一项政府特赦获得自由。

6、 使人身自由;解放;释放

To free a prisoner or a slave means to let them go or release them from prison.

e.g. Israel is set to free more Lebanese prisoners.。.


e.g. The act had a specific intent, to protect freed slaves from white mobs.


英语单词free的中文意思 篇二

英 [fri:] 美 [fri]


形容词 免费的`; 自由的; 免税的; 空闲的

副词 免费地; 自由地,无拘束地; 一帆风顺地

及物动词 释放; 免除; 使自由; 解救



1、 He gave me free access to his library.


2、 He is free with his money.


3、 Can you find a free space to park the car?


4、 All students have free access to the library.



1、 Don't let the dogs run free.


free的单语例句 篇三

1、 " The free boom shows the diversified business model chayi5.com 差异网…s in the Chinese online game market, " IDC said in a Tuesday report.

2、 Cultural enterprises are free from business tax for revenues made from overseas performances, it said.

3、 Cultural enterprises are free from business tax for revenues made from overseas performances, the notice said.

4、 He claims to give out 120 kg of free treats every day during the busy season.

5、 But for the Cavaliers, moving on in the NBA playoffs wasn't pain free.

6、 Xu Rui got a job as a butcher at the free market in Nangang District.

7、 Cleveland's next possession ended with James'turnover, and Caron Butler added a free throw for the final margin.

8、 Now that schools are free of direct involvement by government, any further act of " withdrawal " would be meaningless.


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