


taught的中文意思 篇一

taught英 [tɔ:t] 美 [tɔt]


taught 基本解释

动词 教育; 教( teach的过去式和过去分词 ); 教书; 训练

taught的单语例句 篇二

1、 Before joining Cass in 2006 he taught at Durham University Business School for three years.

2、 He added that the class t-差异网§www.chayi5.com aught students not to act bravely for a just cause when their lives are in danger.

3、 He was impressed by the way " Lee taught us basic skills in business presentation "。

4、 The first two is the number of Chinese people who I taught to play canasta.

5、 Having her right leg amputated at age nine due to the discovery of a cancerous growth has taught her patience.

6、 Lessons like first aid were taught on the flight to Chengdu, provincial capital of Sichuan.

7、 Students are taught to caress the words and sing with feelings and contrast.

8、 The case has taught us that silence and inaction in such a situation only makes you guilty of abetting injustice.

9、 The census methodology needs to incorporate these additional factors, and people collecting data have to be taught and trained accordingly.

taught的双语例句 篇三

1、 Have I not also taught you, `what the tongue says, the neck pays for` I will not have it said that I could never teach my daughter proper respect for her elders.


2、 There is quotation style compiled according to the information he taught poem method, and intentional written style.


3、 You should learn words teacher taught by heart.

你应该用心记住老师教的单词 3。

4、 Roosevelt's experience has taught me that people who do not bow never succeed.



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