


七年级下册英语复习资料 篇一

1、Welcome back to+地点名词 欢迎回到。.。

2、here is/are.。.这有。.

3、Thank you 的几种回答:You are welcome. 不用谢

That's all right./That's OK. /Not at all. /It's my pleasure! /My pleasure.

4、look at 看(强调动作) look at the blackboard 看黑板

see 看见 see sb. do sth.看到某人做过某事

see sb. doing sth.看到某人正在做某事

watch 观看,仔细地看(比赛、电视等) read 看、阅读(书、报纸、杂志等)

5、be careful with 注意。.。/小心(对待)。.。

6、from now on从现在开始 from then on从那时开始

7、talk to sb 和某人说话(侧重主动说)talk with sb 和某人说话(侧重两人都说)

talk about sth 谈论某事

8、look for 寻找(强调过程,不一定找到) find 找到 (强调结果)

9、get on the bus 上公交车 getoff the bus 下公交车

10、in a hurry 匆匆忙忙 hurry up=come on 快点儿,赶紧

11、hundreds of 成百的,数以百记的(大约数加s,加of)

hundred、thousand、 million、billion的用法:

(1)。前面有具体数词时,不变复数: two thousand mobilephones

(2)。后面加of时,本身变复数: hundreds of people

12、every day 每天 时间状语 everyday 每天的,日常的(形容词,后面接名词)

13、at the moment=at this moment=now 此时此刻,现在

atthat moment=then 在那时

14、fifteen kilos of sausages 十五公斤香肠

15、call sb. at +号码 给某人打电话拨打…

16、everyone/everybody 做主语,谓语动词用单数。

17、帮助某人做某事help sb.(to)dosth help sb. with sth

18、make a listof… 列一张。.。的清单

七年级英语下册的复习资料 篇二






1) 有些动词一般不用于现在进行时,如see,like,love, want,know等,而用一般现在时。如,Do you know him?你认识他吗?

2) 有些动词如come, go, arrive, leave, start, fly, drive,stay等表示位置转移的词,用现在进行时表示按计划即将发生的动作,如 We are going to Beijing on Friday.我们星期五要去北京。

3. 构词知识:

1) 名词后缀:-er,如,singer

-or,如 actor

-ing, 如 meeting

-tion 如 direction

2) 形容词后缀: -ful 如,beautiful

-ing 如,boring

-ous 如,dangerous

-ly 如, friendly

3)副词后缀:-ly 如,really

4)数词后缀:-teen 如,thirteen

-ty 如,thirty

-th 如,fourth

5)在国家名词后加-ian,-an, -n表示其国家的人。如,

Egypt埃及 Egyptian埃及人

Europe欧洲 European欧洲人

Canada加拿大 Canadian加拿大人

Italy意大利 Italian意大利人

Australia澳大利亚 Australian澳大利亚人

America美国 American美国人

6)在表示天气的名词后加-y如,wind-windy, fog-foggy,sun-sunny

4. Until的用法:

Until 和 till的意义相同,都有“直到”,“直到。.。才","在。.。以前不"的意思。它们的使用方法为:

1) 作介词: 作介词,后面通常接表时间的名词或短语。如We are back until/till3o’clock.三点种我们才回来。

2) 作连词: 作连词时,until和till引导时间状语从句。如 Go along this road until you see the park沿着这条路走,直到你看到公园为止。

【注意】1)以上的状语从句的例句都是从句在主句之后,如果把从句放在主句之前,那么,引导词用till.如Till you come back, I won’t leavehere.直到你回来我才回离开这。

2) 主句的动作是终止性的,要用not…until/till句型。


1) 现在进行时比哦按时目前这一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。而说话时并不一定正在进行。如Is Tom working hard this term?汤姆这学期学习用功吗?

They are working on the farm these days.这些日子他们在农场劳动。

2) 表示往返或位置转移的动词,如come,go,leave, stay, start, arrive等构成的现在进行时,可表示按计划或安排即将发生的动作。这些动词还可以和表示将来的时间状语,如tomorrow, next week, next year等连用。

They are leaving for Beijing tomorrow.明天他们要动身去北京。

3) 现在进行时与always, often等词相结合,也可表示习惯的,经常重复的动作。意思是“老是”,“总是”。此时常带有一定的感情色彩,如:埋怨,赞赏等。如

Mary is always talking about her son.玛利总是谈论她的儿子。

【注意】一些表示状态和意愿的动词,如be,like,want,know ,think,have等,不能用于现在进行时态中。如,I want to go home now.

6. 关于how 的用法

1) How作“(指程度)多少”“(方法)怎样”“多么”讲,为副词。

2) how 的感叹句的构成:How + 形容词+主语+be动词!


3)how many 多少(对可数名词的数量提问,其后接名词复数)

How many days are there in a year?

4) how much 多少(钱)(对不可数名词的数量提问,其后接不可数名词)

How much water is there in the cup?

How much are these pants?

5) how often多久(对表示频度副词的时间状语提问)

How often do you go there? Once a month.

6)how old多大岁数(对年龄提问)

How old is your grandfather? He is sixty-five.

7)how soon多久(用于将来时)

How soon are you back? In a week.

unit10 Where did you go on vacation?

目标语言:Talk about past events

重点句型:Where did Tina go on vacation? She went to the mountains.

Where did he go on vacation? He stayed at home.

Did you go to Central Park? Yes, I did. No, I didn’t.

Did he go to Central Park? Yes, he did. No, he didn’t.

How was your vacation? It was pretty good.

How was the weather? It was hot and humid.

How were the people? They were unfriendly.

We had great fun playing in the water.

The shops were too crowded, so I didn’t really enjoyed it.

I found a little boy crying in the corner.

重点词组: stay at home, go to New York City, summer camp, go to the mountains, on vacation, Central Park, go to the movies,pretty good, bus trip, have fun doing, go shopping, in the corner, help sb, do sth, make sb. do sth. decide to do sth, discuss sth with sb, write a report on sth , be lost

七年级英语下册的复习资料 篇三


1 。be from = come from 来自于

2、 live in 居住在

3、 on weekends 在周末

4 。write to sb = write a letter to sb 给某人写信;写信给某人

5 。in the world 在世界上

6.in China 在中国

7.pen pal 笔友

8、 14 years old 14岁

9.favorite subject 最喜欢的科目

10.the United States 美国

the United Kingdom 英国 New York 纽

11.speak English 讲英语 like and dislike 爱憎

to the movies 去看电影 play sports 做运动


1 Wheres your pen pal from? = Where does your pen pal from/

2 Where does he live? 3 What language(s) does he speak? 4 I want a pen pal in China.

5 I can speak English and a little French. 6 Please write and tell me about yourself.

7 Can you write to me soon? 8 I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports.


1 Canada---- Canadian---- English / French 2 France------ French------French

3 Japan------Japanese----Japanese 4 Australia----Australian----- English

七年级英语下册的复习资料 篇四

1.英语不规则动词变化( BookI – Book III)

hear heard heard

learn learnt learnt

have/has had had

leave left left

lend lent lent

lose lost lost

make made made

mean meant meant

send sent sent

spell spelt spelt

shoot shot shot

sit sat sat

smell smelt smelt

spend spent spent

spit spat spat

stand stood stood

understand understood understood

hang hung hung

hold held held

light lit lit

meet met met

find found found

feed fed fed

spit spat spat

bear bore born

win won won

build built built

babysit babysat babysat

flee fled fled

lead led led

mislead misled misled

bend bent bent

bleed bled bled

hold held held

smell smelt smelt

dig dug dug

deal dealt dealt

eat ate eaten

fall fell fallen

do/does did done

choose chose chosen

break broke broken

am/is was been

are were been

fly flew flown

forbid forbade forbidden

forget forgot forgotten

freeze froze frozen

get got gotten

go went gone

hide hid hidden

lie lay lain

mistake mistook mistaken

see saw seen

shake shook shaken

speak spoke spoken

steal stole stolen

take took taken

wake woke woken

wear wore worn

beat beat beaten

run ran run

come came come

become became become

can could

may might

will would

shall should

must must


a) 过去式与动词原形同形

cost cost cost

put put put

fit fit fit

cut cut cut

let let let

hurt hurt hurt

set set set

shut shut shut

read read read

hit hit hit


grow grew grown

throw threw thrown

know knew known

draw drew drew

show showed shown


swim swam swum

sink sank sunk

ring rang rung

give gave given

drink drank drunk

sing sang sung

begin began begun

【特例】win won won


think thought thought

bring brought brought

buy bought bought

fight fought fought

catch caught caught

teach taught taught



feel felt felt

sweep swept swept

sleep slept slept

keep kept kept

oversleep overslept overslept


drive drove driven

ride rode ridden

write wrote written

rise rose risen

shine shone shone


pay paid paid

say said said

lay laid laid


tell told told

Sell sold sold


1)表示在过去某个时间内发生的动作或存在的状态。常与表示过去的时间状语连用。如yesterday, last week, an hour ago, just now, in 1990等。

2)表示过去接连发生的一系列动作。They played soccer and then went home.


a) 一般情况下,动词原形后直接加-ed。如,play-played

b) 以e结尾的动词,直接加-d。 如,decide-decided

c) 重读闭音节+单个辅音字母结尾的动词,双写该辅音字母,再加-ed。如,stop-stopped

d) 结尾是“辅音字母+y”的动词,先变y为i,再加-ed.如,study-studied

e) 有些动词变化不规则要特殊记忆。上面以给出。


a) 肯定句:主语+一般过去时动词+其他We had Sichuan food for dinner.

b) 否定句:主语+didn’t+动词原形+其他;主语+wasn’t/weren’t+其他

I didn’t go to summer camp.

The shops weren’t too crowded.

c) 一般疑问句:Did +主语+动词原形+其他?;Was/Were+主语+其他?

Did they stay at home?

Was the bus trip relaxing?

d) 特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般过去式?

Where did you go? Who was ill?


1) find sb doing sth. 发现某人在做某事

I find him reading an interesting book.

2) find sb. to do sth 发现某人做某事

We found him to be a good student.

3) find sb+adj/prep-phrase/n发现某人怎么样或在某一种情况下

He found me a good student.

I found him at home.

4) find it+adj/n+to do sth发现做某事怎么样

He finds it important to learn English well.


5)find onself不知不觉地

He found himself in the forest.


find, find out, look, look for, look at


find out:找出,查出。指经过一番努力达到目的。

look:找,看。 强调动作的过程, 是不及物动词。

look for:寻找。强调动作的过程,for后接名词或代词,表示寻找的对象。

look at: 看。强调动作的过程,at后接名词或代词,表示看的对象。

5. 否定前缀


a) friendly(友好的) unfriendly(不友好的)

b) lucky(幸运的) unlucky(不幸的)

c) fair(公平的) unfair(不公平的)

d) happy(高兴的) unhappy(不悦的)


a) expensive(贵的) inexpensive(便宜的)

b) formal(正式的) informal(非正式的)

c) exact(确切的) inexact(不确切的)

d) human(人性的) inhuman(野蛮的)

6. 词语辨析

a) walk与on foot “步行“方式

walk与on foot都指“步行”,但用法不同。Walk是动词,walk to后接地点副词here,there,home等时,介词to要省去。而on foot是一个表示方式,方法的介词短语,在句中只能做状语。on foot不能用on feet或by foot替换。walk to相当于go to …on foot,表示“走着去,步行”。

b) cool与cold“冷”



c) hot与warm“热”



7. 形容词的用法


a) 和连系动词连用:形容词常用在连系动词be,look,get等的后面,构成“主-系-表”结构,形容词作表语,说明主语是什么或怎么样的状态。如He is happy.

b) 修饰名词:形容词常用在名词前面,用于修饰名词。如He is a good student.

c) 常用表示程度的副词very, too, so, quite, rather等词来修饰

8、 So的用法小结

a) 作连词


This is our first lesson, so I don’t know all your name.



口诀“because常来回答why,句中有so 它不来。“

b) 作副词


This bag is so heavy.这个包如此的沉。



【注意】I think so. 和 I don’t think so.是日常交流用语。在口语中,对方提出一个问题,如果你认为是对的,可回答:I think so. 反之,为I don’t think so.so代替上文提到的内容,以避免重复。

unit 11 What do you think of game shows?

目标语言:give opinions;talk about likes and dislikes

重点句型:What do you think of sitcoms? I love them.

What does she think of sports shows? She doesn’t mind them.

How about.。?=What about.。?

Thanks for joining us.

I can’t stand it.

重点词组:think of, talk about, soap opera, sports show, situation comedy, game show, how about, weekend talk, a thirteen-year-old boy, hair clip, key ring, enjoy doing, thanks for doing, mind doing, show sb. sth, show sth to sb. , show sb around

七年级英语下册的复习资料 篇五


A 词归类

1、 Countries(国家):

1、中国_______________ 2.日本_____________ 3.加拿大_______________

4、美国_________________ 5.英国_______________ 6.澳大利亚________________

7、法国_________________ 8.新加坡________________

2、 Capitals(首都) or cities(城市)

1、北京________________ 2.东京_______________ 3.上海__________________

5、纽约________________ 5.莫斯科______________ 6.波士顿________________

7、悉尼________________ 8.伦敦__________________ 8.巴黎_______________

3、 Languages(语言)

1、汉语________ 2日语。_________ 3.法语__________4.英语________________

4、 Healthy food:

1、蔬菜 _______________ 2.花椰菜_________________ 3.胡萝卜______________

4、西红柿______________ 5.水果_______________ 6.苹果________________

7、梨子_________________8.柑, 桔_______________ 9.草莓________________

10香蕉________________11 沙拉_______________ 12.冰淇淋______________

13、薯条_______________14.汉堡包________________ 15.鸡蛋________________

16、甜食_______________17.奶油_________________ 18.鸡肉________________

19、鱼肉_______________20.米饭________________ 21.羊肉________________

22、牛肉_______________23.面条________________ 24.土豆________________



1、学校______________ 2.图书馆_________________3.教室________________

2、商店_______________ 5.商业街_________________6.街道_________________

7、邮局_____________ 8.饭店___________________9.超级市场_____________


13、房子_______________14.医院________________ 15.银行________________


19、电视台_____________20.海滩________________ 21.博物馆______________

22、万里长城___________23.故宫________________ 24.天安门广场

25、教室_______________26.走廊________________ 27.礼堂________________


1、语文_________________ 2.数学___________________ 3.英语_________________

4、历史________________ 5.生物____________________6.地理________________

7、体育_________________ 8.音乐____________________9.美术________________

10、科学________________ 11.计算机________________


1、 恐怖电影_______________ 2.动作片______________3.记录片_______________

3、 喜剧__________________ 5.京剧________________6.卡通片_______________

8.Musical instruments:

1、钢琴________________ 2.小提琴_______________ 3.鼓___________________

4、喇叭________________ 5.吉他_________________


1、一月________________ 2.二月_______________ 3.三月_________________

4、四月________________ 5.五月_______________ 6.六月_________________

7、七月________________ 8.八月_______________ 9.九月_________________

10、十月_______________ 11.十一月____________ 12.十二月________________


1 高的_____________ 2 矮的____________ 3 瘦的_____ ________

4 重的_____________ 5 中等个子____________ 6 中等体格_______________

7 长头发_____________ 8 短头发______________ 9 直头发____ ____________

10 卷曲的头发_________11.黑头发________________12.棕色的头发 ____________

13、金发____________ 14.好看的_______________ 15.丑陋的____ __________

16 胖的____________ 17.胡须_________________ 18.大眼睛________________



1 肥皂剧____________ 2 情景喜剧___________ 3.谈话节目__________

4 体育节目__________ 5 游戏节目____________


1 耳环________________ 2.钥匙串________________ 3.皮带_______________

4 钱包____________ 5.手表___________________ 6.围巾_______________

7 太阳镜_____________ 8.帽子__________________ 9.戒指_____ _______

10 耳环________________


1、老虎___________ 2 大象____________________ 3 海豚_______________

4、狮子____________ 5 企鹅____________________ 6 长颈鹿____________

7、狗_____________ 8 猫______________________ 9 猪_______________

10、牛_____________ 11 鱼____________________ 12 熊猫_______________ 13 树袋熊___________


1、店员_______________ 2 医生____________________ 3.记者_________________

4、服务员___________ 5 银行职员_______________ 6.警官 _______________

7、护士_________________ 8 老师________________ 9.学生_________________

11、工人________________ 12 农民________________ 13.男警察______________

14、女警察________________15.演员________________ 16.作者______________


1、星期日________________ 2.星期一________________ 3.星期二_____________

4、星期三_______________ 5.星期四________________ 6.星期五______________


16.family members:

1、祖父母亲_______________2.爷爷_______________ 3.奶奶________________

4、父母亲________________ 5.爸爸________________ 6.妈妈________________

7、叔伯________________ 8.姑姑_______________ 9.哥弟__________

10、姐妹______________ 11.堂表兄姐妹________________12.女儿___________






1、红色________________2.绿色________________ 3.黑色________________

4、白色________________5.黄色________________ 6.蓝色________________

7、棕色_______________ 8.金黄色________________9.黑白相间______________

19、 clothers:





1、下雨________________ 2.下雪___________________ 3.有风________________

4、有云________________ 5.阳光充足________________6.热的____________

7、暖和的________________8.凉爽的________________ 9.寒冷的_________




1、 Like doing eg: I like watching TV.

2、 enjoy doing eg: Peter enjoys reading books.

3、 find sb doing sth eg: You can find people eating hamburgers.

4、 have fun doing sth eg: We have great fun playing in the water.

5、 stop doing eg: Stop talking, please.

6、 Thanks for doing eg: Thanks for helping us.

7、 What about / How about doing eg: What about playing soccer ball?

8、 be busy doing sth eg: She is busy doing her homework.

9、 mind doing sth eg: I don't mind smoking outside

10.practice doing sth eg: He is practicing playing the guitar.

11.stop doing sth eg: She never stops talking


1、 Watch sb do sth eg: Old Henry watched his dog play with a cat.

2、 help sb do sth eg: I helped him find his father.

3、 make sb do sth eg: His story makes me feel happy.

4、 let's do sth eg: Let's go to the school.

(三)动词to do

1、 tell sb to do sth eg: He told me to come back soon.

2、 want to do sth eg: I want to visit Beijing.

3、 decide to do sth eg: They decided to play tennis last weekend.

4、 have to do sth eg: We have to dean classrooms after school.

5、 write to sb eg: Please write to me soon.

6、 It's time to do sth eg: It's time to go home now.

7、 stop to do sth eg: She stops to talk,She do her homework.

8、 like to do sth eg: Her brother likes to swim.

9、 would like to do sth eg: I would like to eat dinner at home 。

to do sth eg: You remember to study for the last test.


1、 Some 与 any 的区别:Some 一般情况下用于肯定句/any 一般用于否定句/疑问句

当句中有情态动词 can,could ,will ,would 等时 some 可以用在否定句或疑问句中,表示语气委婉。

eg: I'd like some dumplings./Do you have any brothers?

eg: Would you like some noodles?

2、 also, too 也、太,与 either 的区别:also 用于句中,too 用于句尾,either 用于否定句中。

eg: He is __________ a teacher → He is a teacher, __________ 。

eg: He doesn't like tigers, ______. I don't math because it's ______ difficult.

3、 With 用法 ① 与……在一起;② 伴随、带着;③ 用;④ agree with 搭配

① She often goes to see Beijing Opera with her father. ( )

② We write with pens. ( )

③ Our teacher came in with a smile. ( )

4、 at, in, on 在时间用法上的区别

① on 表示时间时,一般用于某日、某天的上午、下午、晚上

on Saturday, on Sunday morning

② in 用于表示一段时间或季节(月分、年)

in September, in Summer, in 2004

③ at 表示时刻或某一时间点 at ten o'clock, at noon(在正午)

练习:用 on, in at 填空或不填。

________ the morning, ________ Monday afternoon, ________ night

________ 6:30, ________ winter, ________ March 8th, ________ July

________ Tuesday, ________ 2022, ________ yesterday,

________ this morning, ________ last Sunday, ________ all the evening

七年级下册英语复习资料 篇六

1、 —Why…? 为什么……? —Because… 因为……

2、 let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 3.want to do sth. 想要做某事

4、 one of + 名词复数 ……之一 5. forget to do sth. 忘记要做某事

6、 forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事

7、 help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事

8、 be friendly to sb. 对某人友好


1、 —Why do you like pandas? 你为什么喜欢熊猫?

—Because they’re kind of interesting. 因为它们有点儿有趣。

2、 —Why does John like koalas? 约翰为什么喜欢树袋熊?—Because they’re very cute. 因为它们非常可爱。

3、 —Why don’t you like tigers? 你为什么不喜欢老虎?—Because they’re really scary. 因为它们真的吓人。

4、 —Where are lions from? 狮子来自哪里?—They’re from South Africa. 它们来自南非。

5、 Elephants can walk for a long time and never get lost. 大象能走很长时间并且从不迷路。

6、 They can also remember places with food and water. 它们也能记住有食物和水的地方。

7、 But elephants are in great danger. 但是,大象处于极大危险之中。

8、 People cut down many trees so elephants are losing their homes.


9、 Today there are only about 3,000 elephants (over 100,000 before)


10.Isn’t she beautiful? 她难道不美丽吗?


The Animal I Like

There are many kinds of animals in the world. What animal do I like? Let’s know her.

Many people like her very much. I also like her. She is from China. She is very cute. She doesn’t eat grass and meat at all. She eats bamboo every day. She is so nice. She is black white. She has two big black ears and eyes. And she also has black legs and arms.

What animal is she? She is a panda. I like panda very much. Do you like her? What animal do you like?


1、 watch TV看电视 2. read a newspaper 看报纸

3、 talk on the phone 电话交谈 4. listen to a CD 听CD

5、 use –a useful book 6. make soup 做汤

7、 wash the dish 洗碟 8. at home 在家

9、 go to movies 去看电影 10. in a newspaper 在报纸上

11、 think about 考虑 12. in the United States 在美国

13、 watch the boat races 看船比赛 14. the night before the festival节日前的晚上 15. any other night 任何别的晚上 16. his host family 他的寄宿家庭

17、 read a story to sb 读故事给某人 18. on the phone 在电话上

19、 miss doing 错过做某事 20. wish sb to do sth/wish to do希望某人做某事

21、 no place like home 22. eat out 在外面

七年级英语下册的复习资料 篇七

1. Mind的用法

1) mind作“介意”“反对”讲,为及物动词或不及物动词,常用与疑问句,否定句,条件句中,其后可跟名词,代词,动名词或从句。如

I don’t mind cigarette smoke.我不在乎香烟的味儿。

I’m sure that he won’t mind.我确信他不会介意的。

Would you mind if I went home early?我早点回家你反对吗?

2) mind作“思想”“主题”“想法”讲,为可数名词。如

Speak your mind out.把你的想法说出来。

2.how about和what about同义,用法也相同。About是介词,后面除了名词,代词以外,还可以跟动名词或介词短语。

1)how/what about用来询问或打听情况,意思为“。.。怎么样?”“。.。如何?”如 I am tired. What about you?我很累了,你呢?

2)how/what about用来提出请求,建议或征求意见,意思为“(你认为)。.。怎么样?”“。.。如何?”如,How about going out for a walk?出去散步怎么样?


1) show作“给…。看” “出示” “显示”讲,为及物动词。如

Please show your tickets.请把票拿出来。

2)表示 “给某人看什么东西”时,用 “show sth to sb”或 “show sb sth”。如

Please show me the map.= Please show the map to me.请把地图给我看一看。

3) show someone around some place带领某人参观某地 如,

I showed him around our school.我领着他参观了我们学校。

4. enjoy的用法

a) enjoy后面接动词时,要使用动名词形式。如enjoy swimming

finish, be busy, mind, go on等词的用法也如此。

b) enjoy oneself=have a good time玩得快乐,玩得高兴

Did you enjoy yourself at the party?你在聚会上玩得愉快吗?


1)think, think of, think about想

Think意为 “思考,认为”单独使用时,think表示 “思考”;后接that从句时,think表示 “认为,觉得”

Think of是动词短语,意思为 “想起,想到”某人或某物。还有 “对…。有某种看法,认为”的意思。

Think about也是动词词组,意思是 “考虑”。其后面可以跟名词,动名词,代词。

2) agree with与 agree to “同意”

Agree with后面通常接表示人的词语,表示 “赞成,同意”某人

Agree to 后面常接表示物或事的词语,而不接表示人的词语。

3)talk to与talk with 交谈

Talk 通常是用作不及物动词,意思是 “谈话,说话”。 要表示与某人谈话则应在其后加上介词to 与with. Talk还作名词,意思为 “聊天,谈话”,如have a long talk进行长谈, have a talk with和某人谈谈。

unit 12 Don’t eat in class.

目标语言: Talk about rules

重点句型: What are the rules? We can’t arrive late for class.

Don’t eat in class.

Can we listen to music? Yes, we can. No, we can’t.

What else do you have to do? We have to clean the classroom.

Do you have to wear a uniform at school? Yes, we do. No, we don’t.

You don’t have to wear a uniform

You have to wear sneakers for gym class.

重点词组:arrive late for class, eat in the cafeteria, wear a uniform, have to, too many rules, meet friends, after school, learn the piano, in class, no talking


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