


小学英语教案 篇一


Part A Let’s talk & Point and say


1、能够听懂、会说、会认读句型:Who’s that man? He’s my father. 并能够在具体的语境中灵活运用。

2、 让学生学会询问他人的身份并知道如何应答。


1、 正确运用句子:Who’s that man? He’s my father.。

2、 单词who’s的发音,以及单词that和father中th的发音。。




Step 1 热身(Warming-up)

1、 教师播放P8的Let’s chant,学生跟着录音哼唱。

2、 活动:介绍自己的朋友。

引导学生介绍自己的朋友。如:Hi, I’m Sam. I’m from China. This is my friend, Tim. He’s a boy. He’s a student. He’s from China/ the UK/ Canada/ the USA/ Australia.

Step 2 新课呈现(Presentation)

1、师生观察Let’s talk的教学课件,利用与教材内容相同的教学课件,使学生既了解了对话的含义,又了解对话运用的情景。

2、 教师提问:Who are they?What are they doing?

教师播放录音,学生静听。再次播放录音,学生跟读。教师注意带读学生不易掌握的读音,如:who’s, that, father等。


Step 3 巩固与拓展(Consolidation and extension)


1、教师呈现课本中Point and say部分教学挂图。



小学英语教案 篇二


















step 1. warming up (热身活动)

1.Duty report

2.Sing a song (Christmas)

step 2.presentation

1.Perceive 教师出示教学挂图,学生观察。

2.教师呈现My room的挂图或图片,采用问答方式对房间进行简单描述,帮助学生复习房间中出现的家具和物品名称。如arm chair, TV, window, table…



5.Group work

Discuss how to stick the picture in Part A.

6.教师和学生一起以pair work形式进行贴图活动

7.Pair work相互描述

8.Create 在贴好的图片上进行再创造

9.Group work

10.Show 各组派选一名代表来展示图片并用所学语言进行简单的描述

step 3. summary (小结)



step 4. homework (家庭作业)

1.Create a picture about Christmas Day or Spring Festival.

2.Introduce the picture to your parents.

《小学英语》教案 篇三

Unit 5 How old are you ?




能初步听懂、会说、会读单词lovely, nine, eight, our, five, six, seven, ten.

2. 能在情境中感知如何谈论年龄,能初步听懂、会说、会读句型日常交际用语:How old are you? I’m … . How lovely! Here you are.


能在情境中感知如何谈论年龄,能初步听懂、会说、会读句型日常交际用语:How old are you? I’m … . How lovely! Here you are.




step 1. Greeting and warm up

T: …, please close the door.

…, please close the window.

T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Miss Cui.

T: …, can you count from one to ten? 学生试着说。

What’s this number? (呈现数字8)

Ss: Eight. (T教eight,以同样的方法教nine,ten)

Step 2.Presentation and practice .

T:(出示Mike, Helen, Tim的图片)Look, Helen is Mike’s brother. Mike is nine. And how old are you?

Ss: I’m eight/nine /ten .


T: Good. And how old is Helen? Guess! (引导学生猜测Helen的年龄)

Step 3. Learn to say .

出示图片T:This is a museum. Mike and his family are in a museum. What can you see? Ss: Toys.

T: Yes, and what are they going to do ? Let’s have a look.

1.观看动画,整体感知课文:Do they see toys in the museuml? How do they feel?

Find the sentence: Look!How lovely!

2.提出问题,让学生带着问题再听一遍录音:How old is Mike? How old is Helen?

How old is Tim?

学生操练:How old are you ? I’m nine/eight/two.

仔细读课文,找出: What is for Mike/Helen/Tim?

出图片3 :This is for you. Thank you.

出图片4 :Here you are . Thank you.

4.Read after the tape.逐句跟读,注意语音语调。

Read together. 注意人物的表情和动作。

Read in roles.让学生自己去读,感受语音语调,鼓励学生加入自己的感情动作来表演对话。

Retell. 出示图片,让学生回忆出气泡里的内容

Act in roles. 4人小组进行表演。

Step 4 Consolidation

Make a dialogue.


T:Now I’m the shopkeeper at the Toy Museum. Look at the toys .

Ss: How lovely!

T: Hello! How old are you?

S: I’m … .

T: This …is for you./Here you are.





2. 抄写四会单词。

3. 记住家里的电话号码、门牌号、车牌号

小学英语教案 篇四


Unit One Lesson Two


What are these / those?及回答They’re… .





1)学生两人一组表演对话“In a park”。

2)教师出示第3页Let’s practise中的图片,引导学生用What are they? They are…进行问答练习。


教师将图片books, bikes, desks, cakes, clocks贴到墙上离学生远的地方指着蛋糕的图片问:What are those?引导学生回答:They are cakes.

学生两人一组指着墙上的图片用What are those?They are…进行问答练习。

引导学生说出对近处的一些物体提问用What are these?而对远处的一些物体提问用What are those?


1)教师播放教学课件In a fast-food restaurant,学生观看。

2)通过课件引导学生运用What are these/those? They are…学习有关单词hamburgers/hot dogs.

3)小组问答练习:运用What are these/those? They are… (看着课件图)教师要关注学生的单词发音,注意及时纠正。




7) Let’s practise.

教师提示:maps, stamps, caps在近处,cups, ships, jeeps在远处。学生两人一组看上台表演。引导学生发现以[p]结尾的名词复数形式发音变化规律仍然读[s]。


将学生分为4人一组,每组一张Bingo游戏纸;以组为单位尽快将所学单词:books,cakes,hamburgers,hot dogs,bikes,ducks,swans,geese,maps,stamps,caps,cups,ships,jeeps选任以9个写在Bingo的格中;每组选一名代表随意说出自己组Bingo格中有的一个词“They are…”其他组学生画出所听到的单词,看那个组的Bingo多。

小学英语教案 篇五


一、 课题:Module 8 Unit 3 Yes ,I do。

二、 教学内容:

1、 会说两个问句:Do you like …?What is your favourite sport /animal/colour/fruite ?

2、 对Do you like …?作肯定和否定回答。

三、 教学目标

1、 情感目标:培养学生对外语的积极态度,发现外语学习中的乐趣,在说英语时不怕犯错误,乐于帮助其他同学。

2、 知识目标:会说两个问句,并且发音准确。

3、 能力目标:英语口语表达能力。


(一) 热身活动

1、 师生问候

Hello,boys and girls 。 What is your name ?(My name is …)How old are you ? (I am …) How are you ?(Fine ,thanks ,how are you ?)I am very well ,thank you。

2、 活动

Now let’s do some actions 。 Who wants to play the teacher ?(Point to the door 。 Point to the window 。Point to the ceiling 。Point to the floor 。Stand up 。 Sit down 。Touch your nose /mouth…)

(二) 复习

唱英语歌:What’s your favourite colour ?

Now let’s sing an English song 。Group One asks and Group Two answers。


Now I will give you a task 。 After this class I wish all of you know what’s your friends’ favourite 。


1、 Do you like …?What’s your favourite animal ?

(1) 出示一些动物的图片

Let’s play a game 。Look at this picture 。 What’s this?

藏起其中的一副图,What’s missing ?(duck) Do you like duck?问一个学生,如果他回答:Yes, I do 。就把duck 给他,如果他回答:No, I don’t。就让他去问别的同学,这样把图发下去,然后小组内练习Do you like …?

(2)指生问:What is your favourite animal?学生模仿跟读animal。


2、 What is your favourite colour ?

指一名学生问:Do you like animals?接着师生交换,师回答:No ,I do not like animals 。 I like colour 。

教读colour ,出示一些彩纸

Do you remember the colour song ?Let’s sing together,OK?

自己选择你需要的颜色和你的朋友做对话:What is your favourite colour?

3、 Do you like …? What is your favourite sport?

师:I like not only colour ,but also sports。

屏幕显示一些体育运动,学生逐个说,然后七种体育运动(football,basketball,table tennis,volleyball,swimming,cycling,morning exercises)全部出示。

小组内根据屏幕随便提问题,教师走动给予个别指导,引导小组提问两个问题:Do you like …?What is your favourite sport ?

4、 What is our favourite fruit ?

I like all the sports ,So I am tired 。 I want to eat something。

拿出盛水果的篮子,告诉学生“I want to eat fruit 。” 教读fruit。学生提着篮子一个接一个的问:What is your favourite fruit?




Today we have learned two sentences 。 All of you have done a very good job 。 I very love you 。


1、 了解父母最喜欢的东西。可以教父母说单词。

2、 唱Goodbye!歌曲结束课程

小学英语优秀教案 篇六

Unit 1 Lesson 3

Part A Let’s say, Let’s chant Part C Culture

Teaching Aims :

1. Be able to listen, say, recognize the words: apple, ant, boy, bag, Coke, coffee.

2. Be able to listen, say, read and write these three letters: A a; B b; C c

3. Through the chant review the letters of ABC, train a sense of group identity.

Focus Points & Difficult Points :

Read the letters: Big letter C, small letter c; Write down them correctly and handsomely.

Teaching Preparation:

1. Letter cards ,some word pictures, word cards: apple boy eraser ant crayon body head cake Coke coffee bag ball

2. A little blackboard with four-line format and a ball.

Designing for the blackboard:

panda beaver eagle kangaroo (pictures)

China Canada America Australia (words)

Teaching Steps:

Step1. Warm –up

1. Sing a song.

2. Free talk

T: Hello. I’m Wendy. I’m from Hangzhou.

S1: Hello! I’m ... I’m from Hangzhou,too.

T: Nice to meet you.

S: Nice to meet you, too.

T: Let’s play. Ok?

S: Great!

T: Watch out! (T throws the ball.)

S: Oh, no.

Make a similar dialogue with your partner.


1. 1)T : Today, we will learn letters. Do you know letters? Just as A,B,C…… They are letters. What’s the meaning of letters?

S: 字母。

T: Great! A is the first letter. ( T shows letter A.)

T: A a↗↘ S: A a↗↘

T: This is big letter A. 大写字母A。

T: Big letter A. S: Big letter A.

T: Let’s make a big letter A. (With the hands)

Run two trains: Big letter A. (With the hands)

T: This is small letter a.

T: Small letter A S: Small letter A.

T: Look at this girl’s head. It’s a small letter a.

小a, 小a, 小翘辫。

Run two trains: Big letter A, small letter a.

2). T draws an apple: What’s this?

S: It’s an apple.

T draws an ant beside the apple: What’s this?

S: It’s an ant.

T: A for ant, / /,/ /, / /.

A for apple, / /, / /, / /.

2. Teach B b, C c like above.

Pay attention to the pronunciation of c.

Use right hand to make a c.

B for boy, /b/,/b/,/b/.

B for bag, /b/,/b/,/b/.

C for Coke, /k/,/k/,/k/.

C for coffee, /k/,/k/,/k/.

Step 3. Practise.

1. Game: Find out the letters we’ve just learned.

apple boy eraser ant crayon body head cake Coke coffee bag


Read as: apple, No.1 small letter a.

2.1) T: You’re so smart. You can read them. Now, let’s write them down.

Look at the blackboard.

T: First, let’s write down big letter A. One, two, three. Now, Let’s try together. Show me your finger.

S: My finger.

T& Ss: One, two, three.

T teaches the writing of small letter a.

2) T: Everyone has his home. Where is A’s home?

Here it is. (T points at the four-line format.)


T: This is letter’s home. This is the first floor. Then the second floor and the third floor. Big letters A lives in the second and third floor.

Let’s write down it. Show me your finger.

S: My finger.

T & Ss: One, two, three.

T teaches the writing of small letter a in the four-line format.

Write them on your exercise book.

Teach the writing of Bb, Cc.

3. Lets chant.

1) Read after T.

2) Say with the tape.

3) Say by yourself.

4. Culture.

T writes down:3.8

T: March 8th is Women’s Day.


T: On that day, you should say “Happy Women’s Day” to your mother.

You also can pour a cup of tea, then say “ Have some tea, mom.”

T&S act like mother and son/ daughter.

S: Ding dong.

T: Come in, please.

S: Happy Women’s Day!

T: Thank you.

S: Mom, sit down , please.

Have some tea.

T: Thank you. My dear daughter.

Step4. Assessment.

1).Complete the writing of letters and exercise on the activity book.

2) Make letter cards of A\B\C.

Think it over:


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