Unit 10 Can you play the guitar【优秀5篇】


Unit 10 Can you play the guitar 篇一

unit 10 can you play the guitar ?


a: want 句型

(1)--what club do you want to join ?

--i want to join the sports club.

(2)--what club does he want to join ?

--he wants to join the art club.

(3)--do you want to join the chess club ?

--yes , i do. / no , i don’t .

(4)--does she want to join the music club ?

--yes , she does . / no , she doesn’t.

b: can 句型

(1)--can you play the guitar ?

--yes , i can . / no , i can’t.

--can you play it well ?

--yes , i can . / no , i can’t.

(2)i can dance and play the piano.

(3)i can play chess but i can’t paint.

(4)he can sing and dance.

(5)he can paint but he can’t play the guitar .

二。 词汇

guitar , dance , swim , sing , chess , paint , speak , can’t , piano , swimmer , job , children , kid , summer , camp , summer camp , drum  trumpet , violin , musician , then , maybe , talk information , rock , band , rock band , talent , show , talent show , sunday , auditorium , act , kung fu , japanese , may , contact , e-mail , address , draw , a little , fill , fill out (fill in)


1. 情态动词can的用法:情态动词是辅助动词帮助说明能力、意愿等的词,并且它不随主语人称的变化而变化。eg.




2. want(想要的用法)

(1)想干什么用want to …

eg. i want to play ping-pang.

they want to join the sports club.



3.复习like的用法,喜欢什么,我们用like something / somebody .

喜欢干什么用   其它用法同want.



1. -__(1)__ you dance ?

-yes , i can.

2. what club does she ___(2)___ to join ?

3. we want to __(3)___ the guitar club.

4. a: what club ___(4)___ you want ___(5)___ join.

b: we ___(6)___ to join the chess ___(7)___.

a: can you ___(8)___ chess ?

b: no , i ___ (9)___.

a: i can.

5. she can speak english but she ___ (10) ___ speak it very well .


1. 弹钢琴                 2. 踢足球

3. 打篮球                 4. 打鼓

5. play chess            6. swimming club.

7. summer camp.       8. 才艺展示

9. 中国工夫             10. 吹喇叭

11. 电子邮件           12. 摇滚乐队


1. do you like music ? ______________

2. can your parents speak english ? ______________

3. what can you do ? ______________

4. can you play the violin ? ______________

5. do you want to join a music club ? ___________

Unit 10 Can you play the guitar 篇二

unit 10 can you play the guitar




【经典例句】 he likes playing the guitar.他喜欢弹吉他。

【考点聚焦】 guitar为一种乐器,注意play与表示乐器的名词连用时,名词前要加定冠词the。

【活学活用】 1.选择[来源:学§科§网]

the boys often play        guitar in         afternoon.

a.the;/      b./;the     c.the;the     d./;/


【巧记提示】 jo+in(里面)

【经典例句】 i want to join the league.我想入团。

【考点聚焦】 join意为“参加(某个组织成为其成员)”,一般常和介词in连用。

【活学活用】 2.根据释义写单词

:become a member of


【巧记提示】 swim(游泳)→swan(天鹅)

【经典例句】 do you like swimming?你喜欢游泳吗?

【考点聚焦】 常用词组:have a swim游泳;go swimming去游泳

【活学活用】 3.用swim的适当形式填空

i often go to         in the         pool(水池).


【巧记提示】 chess(国际象棋)→cherr(欢欣)

【经典例句】 i am good at playing chess.我擅长下象棋。

【考点聚焦】 一定注意“下棋”用play chess,而不用play the chess。

【活学活用】 4.选择

i like to play          piano and he likes to play         chess.

a.the;the    b.the;/   c./;the   d./;/


【巧记提示】 pain(疼痛)+t

【经典例句】 the artist paints in water colors.这位画家以水彩画画。

【考点聚焦】 1)派生词:painter n.画家 painting n.画


【巧记提示】 s+peak(顶点)

【经典例句】 can you speak english?你会 说英语吗?

【考点聚焦】 1)派生词:speaker n. 说话者;演讲者  speech n. 说话;演讲






【活学活用】 5.选择

—what does he ?can you  me?

—sorry,i don’t know.

a.say;tell   b.speak;talk   c.speak;tell  d.say;talk


【经典例句】 she plays the piano very well.她弹钢琴弹得很好。

【考点聚焦】 1)派生词:pianist n. 钢琴家 

2)弹钢琴要用play the piano,其中定冠词the不 能省略。


【巧记提示】 music(音乐)+ian(表人的后缀)

【经典例句】 i think qiao yu is my favorite musician.


【考点聚焦】 派生词:musical adj.音乐的 music n.音乐

【巧记提示】 show(演出)→how(怎么)

【经典例句】 there is a book show in the park.


【考点聚焦】 1)show作动词,意为“表演,演出,出示……给某人看”,有时与介词搭配使用,构成show sth. to sb.=show sb. sth.。

2)show作名词,意为“展览,展出”。构成短语on show,意为“在展出”。

【巧记提示】 sun(太阳)+day(天)

【经典例句】 sunday is the first day of the week.


1)sunday,saturday, friday等表示星期的名词为专有名词,开头的字母要大写

2)表示“在星期几”要用介词on。如:on sunday“在星期日”。

【活学活用】 6.用in,on,at填空

i often get up          six o’clock         sunday.


【巧记提示】 little(少许的)→bottle(瓶子)

【经典例句】 he is little known to the villagers.村里几乎没人认识他。

【考点聚焦】 1)little还有“小的,小巧的”之意,带有小的可爱之意。

2)注意little与a little 的区别:little与a l ittle都可表示数量,修饰不可数名词。但little表示否定意义,而a little表示肯定意义。

silence is like sleep which refreshes wisdom.缄默像睡眠;它使智慧焕然一新。

【活学活用】 7.翻译句子


答案:i can speak a little english.


help sb.with sth. 在……方面帮助某人

【经典例句】 could you help me with my english?你能帮我学英语吗?

【考点聚焦】 在help sb.with sth.结构中,with是介词,故后面要跟名词或动名词作宾语。该结构相当于help sb.do sth.。

【活学活用】 8.同义句转换

i often help him do his homework.

i often help him         his homework.


be good with... 与……相处得好;与……合得来

【经典例句】 he is very good with children.他与孩子们很合得来。

【考点聚焦】 1)同义词组:get on well with 

2)注意与be good...的其他词组意思的差别:

be good at意为“擅长做某事”;be good for意为“对……有益处”。

school show 学校公演

【经典例句】 we’ll have a school show this afternoon.


【考点聚焦】 show在这里用作名词,注意下列搭配:fashion show 时装表演;a flower show花展;game show智力竞赛节目;chat show(电视台)现场采访节目

【活学活用】 9.翻译下列词组

1)海豚表演         2)一场电影

答案:1)a dolphin show 2)a movie/film show


can you play the g uitar?你能弹吉他吗?

【剖析】 can you...?用来询问对方能否做某事,意思是“你能/会……吗?”,肯定回答用“yes,i can.”否定回答用“no,i can’t.”

【拓展】 can(能、会),may(可以;可能),must(必须)都是情态动词,后面跟动词原形。其否定结构在后面加上not,can not通常缩写为can’t;must not缩写为mustn’t;may not一般不缩写。

can you play the piano,the trumpet,the drums,or the guitar?


【剖析】 此句为简单的选择疑问句,即提问者提供两种或两种以上情况,让对方从中作出选择的句子。它的基本结构是:一般疑问句+or+一般疑问句(后一部分 与前一部分相同的成分常常省略)。or连接的是两个并列的成分,要求词性一致。

【拓展】 1)回答时,不用yes或no,而是选择其中一种回答。




hi,everyone!i’m “can”。welcome to come and see my show!



he can speak english.他会说英语。


can i use your pen?我可以用你的钢笔吗?


it can’t be true.这不可能是真的。


can you help me?你可以帮助我吗?








mary can play the drums.玛丽会敲鼓。


he can’t play the piano.他不 会弹钢琴。


—can you play chess?你会下象棋吗?

—yes,i can.是的,我会。(肯定回答)

—no,i can’t.不,我不会。(否定回答)

4.特殊疑问句:疑问词+can+主语+动词原形+其他? 如:

what can i do for you?我能为你做点什么呢?



例1(经典回放)my friend bob likes to play  basketball before  supper.

a.the;the      b./;the      c.the;/      d./;/








例2(绍兴模拟 )—look!someone is cutting a tree on the moon.

—it         be true,granny.mum says there is no air there.

a.can’t     b.mustn’t

c.may     d.should

思路解析:根据there is no air there判断出月亮上根本不可能有人在砍树,所以表示不可能。答案选a。

黑色陷阱:有的同学往往忽视了there is no air there的提示,而只根据前句来判断,而误选了c。


例3(临沂模拟模拟)the         boy can play  chess well,but he  can’t play piano.

a.the;the     b.the;/ 

c./;the       d./;/

思路解析:play后面跟表示球类(运动)的名词时,中间不用冠词the;而跟表示乐器的名词时,中间应用定冠词the 。答案为c。

黑色陷阱:本题不能误选b,chess意为“象棋”,play chess“下象棋”,是固定词组。




soccer chess guitar dance sports sing musician basketball 

参考答案:1.musician 2.sing或dance 3.dance或sing 4.guitar 5.sports 6.soccer或basketball 7.basketball或soccer 8.chess

思路解析:这是一则俱乐部招收学生的广告,所招收学生应会play soccer/basketball/chess等或play the  guitar。另外,要注意最后句子中的an intelligent game的含义,以便确定此前空处的答案。








Unit 10 Can you play the guitar 篇三

topic: joining a club

teaching aims and demands

aims of basic knowledge

1. key vocabulary: the key words and expressions in this unit.

2. key structures: the key structures in this unit.

aims of abilities

1. be able to use the key words and expressions orally.

2. be able to use the key words and expressions in writing.

aims of emotion

to be a brave person

teaching methods

1. guided listening and speaking.

2. task –based approach

3. communicative approach.

key points and difficulties

talk about the different activities.

teaching procedures:

step1.warming up

the teacher and the students greet each other.

t: hello, boys and girls.

s: hello, miss zhang.

now let’s talk about different activities

2. presentation.

1) ask and answer

introduce different activities

t: can you play the guitar? / can you sing?

s: yes, i can / no, i can’t

talk about super stars.

t: what’s his name?

s: his name is yao ming.

t: can he pay basketball?

s:<www.chayi5.com> yes, he can

2) pair-work.

ask students to talk with partner to practice these sentences, and then make a presentation.

a: can you swim ?

b: yes, i can.  / no, i can’t.

a:  can you play the guitar?

b: yes, i can.  / no, i can’t.

3) role-play

a: what club do you want to join?

b: i want to join the basketball club.

a: can you play basketball?

b: yes, i can.

/no, i can’t.

a: hi, ____ i help you?

b: yes, please. i ____ to join the music club.

a: good. can i know your ____?

b: cindy.

a: how old are you?

b: twelve.

a: can you ____?

b: yes, a little.  i want to learn about music.

a: ok, i know. thank you.

step 4 summary

learn how to talk about different activities.

step 5 homework


step 6 aims of emotion

to be a brave(勇敢的) person and you can make rapid(飞速的)progress.

say yes, i can everyday!

Unit 10 Can you play the guitar 篇四

unit 3 can you play the guitar?


unit 3 can you play the guitar?  (section a)


(二)语法知识:情态动词can 的用法

(三)语言运用:talk about abilities   谈论能力



1. can you dance?

yes, i can. /  no, i can’t.

dance   v. n.

what a beautiful dance!

2. i can’t sing.

can’t = can not

sing n. v.

3. what can you do?

i can paint.

 ²        ²        paint 使用绘画颜料绘画。

 ²        ²        draw 用铅笔、钢笔、蜡笔等素描或绘画

4. what club do you want to join?

i want to join the chess club.

 ²        ²        join   v.

join the army / party / football team

he wants to join the music club.

she joins us for dinner.

join in   参加,加入某种活动

may i join in your conversation?

 ²        ²        what club

what color is it?

what kind of movies do you like?

what time is it now?

what sports do you like?

5. can she speak english?



6. can you play chess?

play basketball / volleyball / soccer / tennis

7. tom can play the guitar but he can’t play it very well.

 ²        ²        play the guitar

 ²        ²        well

8. are you good with kids?

 ²        ²        good   adj. 修饰名词或作表语。

well   adv. 修饰动词或形容词。

he is a good student.

he can’t play the guitar well.

 ²        ²        be good with =be friendly with   与……相处得好

be good to 对某人友好

be good at  擅长……

he’s good with me.

my teacher is good to us all.

he is good at math.

i am good at swimming.

9. can you help kids with swimming?

 ²        ²        help sb. with sth. 在某事上帮助某人

help sb. (to) do sth.

tom often helps me with my english.

maria often helps her mother do the housework.

 ²        ²        kid

 ²        ²        swim   v. can you swim?

n. have a swim   游泳   let’s have a swim.

swimmer 游泳者   go swimming 去游泳

10. we need help for our beidaihe school trip.



情态动词can, could, may, might, must用来表示说话人的看法,态度等。

can 的用法:

1. 表示能力

she can sing that song in english.

i can swim.

2. 表示请求或许可。

can you help me?

can i see your id card?

3. 用于否定句或疑问句,表示推测或可能性。

today is sunday. he can’t be at school.

 ²        ²        情态动词can的肯定句变否定句在can 后加not,缩写形式为can’t

i can speak english. →

 ²        ²        can的一般疑问句及回答

can 放于句首,构成一般疑问句。


yes, … can. 或no, … can’t.

can she dance?  yes, she can.    no, she can’t.

若是表示请求的问句,可以回答:ok. / all right. /sorry, …

can i use your pen?   all right. here you are.   sorry, but i don’t have one.

(三)语言运用:talk about abilities   谈论能力

a: make a survey. ask your classmates what they can do, what they can't do and what club do they want to join. then fill in the chart.

name can do can't do what club

lin tao skate swim skating club

b: make a report according to the chart above.

lin tao can skate. he can’t swim. he wants to join the skating club.



(   )1. i want ______ the art club, because i can paint very well.

a. join    b. to join    c. joining   d. joins

(   )2. he can’t ______, but he can _______ the guitar.

a. sing, play    b. sings, plays    c. singing, playing  d. sing, playing

(   )3. my father and i like to _______ very much.

a. play the chess    b. play chess    c. plays the chess  d. plays chess

(   )4. what can you do, lin tao? ________.

a. i like sports              b. i want to join the music club

c. i am well                d. i can play chess.

(   )5. ——can you play the guitar?   ——no, i ________.

a. don't   b. am not   c. doesn’t   d. can't

(   )6. can you help kids _______ swimming?

a. with      b. for      c. of     d. in

(   )7. little tom can draw  ________. his drawings are very ________.

a. good, well     b. good, good     c. well, good    d. well, well


1. ——can you play guitar?   ——no, i can’t. ___________________

2. jane can play the piano and she can’t play it very well. __________________

3. can you help her at her english?           _______________________

4. sally can plays chess well. _______________________

5. what club do you want join?  __________________


my name is alan. i have a brother and a sister. my brother’s name is paul and my sister’s name is helen. i can sing and dance, but i can’t play the guitar. i can play basketball but i can’t swim. paul can sing but he can’t dance. he can play the guitar. he can also swim and play basketball. helen can dance but she can’t sing. she can’t play the guitar but she can play the trumpet. she can swim but she can’t play basketball.

name sports he / she can play




1. helen has _________.

a. one brother     b. two brothers     c. one brother and one sister

2. alan can sing, but he can’t ______________.

a. play basketball     b. dance      c. swim

3. paul can swim but he can’t _____________.

a. sing      b. dance      c. play the guitar

4. helen can’t play the guitar and she can’t _______.

a. sing      b. dance     c. play the trumpet

5. alan and paul can ______.

a. sing      b. sing and dance   c. sing, dance and play the guitar

6. paul and helen can ______.

a. sing      b. swim      c. dance

7. alan and helen can’t ______.

a. play basketball    b. swim      c. play the guitar


soccer,  chess,  guitar,  dance,  sports,  sing,  musician,  basketball



1. b    2. a    3. b    4. d    5. d    6. a    7. c


1. play guitar → play the guitar    2. and → but    3. at → with

4. plays → play    5. want join → want to join


name sports he / she can play

alan basketball

paul swim, basketball

helen swim

1~5  b c b a a  6~7 b c


musician, dance, sing, guitar, sports, soccer, basketball, chess

Unit 10 Can you play the guitar 篇五

unit 10 can you play the guitar


班级________________   姓名______________    得分________________


1.gina wants to j ________ the music club.

2.can you s ________ english?

3.i can play the guitar but can’t play the p ________.

4.my e-mail a ________ is cindyyjones @ 163. com.

5.can you h ________ kids with swimming?


ⅰ                                  ⅱ

(    )6.what club do you want to join?       a.very well.

(    )7.what’s your phone number?    b.it’s $10.

(    )8.how are you?       c.it’s 8989766.

(    )9.how can i contact you?     d.the music club.

(    )10.how much is the shirt?     e.you can call me at 898976.


(    ) wants _____ ___ to you. are you free?   a.to tell  b.tells    c.to talk d.talks

(    )12.can you help me ________ my english?    a.with  b.of     c.learning   d.about

(    )13.bob can play ________ tennis but can’t play ________ violin.

a.the, the     b.×, ×        c.the, ×       d.× , the

(     ) 14. i ____ a cup of tea.   a. want to    b. want      c. like to       d. could like

(    )15.can you paint?  ______.   a.yes, a little b.yes, little  c.no, a little   d.no, little

(    )16.please call me ________ 8989766.    a.in  b.at  c.about d.with

(    )17.________ like to go swimming ________ summer.

a.children, on          b.children, in        c.a child, on           d .a child, in

(    )18.miss read is good ________music.she can be good ________ children in the music club.

a.at, at      b.with, with       c.at, with      d.with, at

(    )19.the young ________ plays the ________ very well.

a.pianist, piano        b.piano, pianist    c.pianist, pianist       d.piano, piano

(    )20.what can you do, lin tao? ________.

a.i like sports                   b.i want to join the music club

c.i am well                      d.i can do chinese kung fu

(    )21.hi, can i help you?  ________.

a.yes, please   b.no, i can’t    c.yes, i can     d.you are welcome

(    )22.________ you can ________ our school concert.

a.maybe, in       b.maybe, be in     c.may be, in       d.may be, be in

(    )23.we want two good  ________ our rock band.

a.music for    b.musician in    c.music in      d.musicians for

(    )24.little tom can draw  ________.his drawings are very ________.

a.good, well   b.well, good     c.good, good    d.well, well

(    )25.can he ________ it in english?   a.speak   b.speaks     c.say      d, talk


26.___ _____you dnce?                           27.i________ sing.

28.what club does she  ________to join?            29.we want to ________ the guitar club.

30.what can you ________ ?


31.play, brother, the, your, guitar, can, (?)

32.can’t, he, piano, the, play, (.)

33.play, you, the, can, guitar, (?)

34.guitar, sing, the, i, play, can, and, yes, (.)

, club, music, join, want, do, you, our, (?)

36.i, show, want, to, talent, my, (.)





40.我会表演中国功夫。 _______________________________________________


a  yes, i can.

b  do you want to join the art club?

c  can you paint?

d  what club do you want to join?

e  can you swim?

f  no, i can’t.

g  yes, i do.

h  i don’t know.

41.  d    42.____  43. __   44.____  45.      46.____  47.____  48.____


a: good morning!   49   ?            b: yes, i want to join the chess club.

a: good,   50   ?                    b: david.

a:    51   ?                        b: i’m twelve.

a:    52   ?                        b: my telephone number is 435—201.

a:    53   ?                        b: yes, a little.

a: here is a card, please fill it out.         b: thank you.

a: you’re welcome.

a.what’s your name  b.how can we contact you  c.can you play chess

d.i can play chess  e.how old are you  f.what can you do  g.can i help you

49.________  50.________  51.________  52.________  53.________


mike and ann are   54   they live in a large house. the house is   55   the foot of a mountain (山). near the mountain   56   a lake(湖).

there are four people in the family: mike, ann, their father and their mother. their father is a farmer. he   57   a farm not far from their house. their mother is at home. she is a housewife (家庭主妇). mike and ann go to school every day. they are   58   , but they are    59   . mike is in grade 2. ann is in grade 1.

mike likes sports. he likes swimming and playing football. after school he often plays football   60   his classmates. ann is a good girl. after school, she often goes home to help her mother   61   the housework.

(    )54.a.brothers and sisters            b.brother and sister

c.a brother and sister            d.a brother and a sister

(    )55.a.a t        b.in             c.under          d.on

(    )56.a.has       b.have            c.is there        d.there is

(    )57.a.are working    b.is working      c.works on      d.works at

(    )58.a.at the same school             b.at the same schools

c.in the same school             d.in the same schools

(    )59.a.in different grades             b.in a different grade

c.at different grades             d.at a different grade

(    )60.a.and       b.with           c.but            d.or

(    )61.a.doing     b.does           c.with           d.in


once a great boxer (拳击家), tom brown, went to a restaurant(饭馆)for d inner. he put his bag near the door, but he was afraid(害怕) that someone would take it. so he got out a pen and a piece of paper and wrote on it: “the great boxer, tom brown, left his bag here. he’ll come back in a few minutes. ” he put the paper on his bag and went to have his dinner. when he came back, his bag wasn’t there. but he found a piece of paper on the ground. it said: “a great runner took away your bag, and he will not come back. ”

(    ) brown went to the restaurant ________.

a.for his bag           b.to see the runner      c.to have his meal       d.for his pen

(    ) brown was afraid ________.

a.to put down his bag near the door    b.he couldn’t find his pen

c.thieves would take his bag away   d.he couldn’t get enough food himself from the restaurant

(    ) brown wrote the words on the paper because he ________.

a.thought the thief would not steal (偷) his bag when he read the words    b.was a boxer

c.wanted to catch the thief         d.wanted to get to know the runner

(    )65.when mr brown came back he ________.

a.found another piece of paper on the ground           b.found his bag wasn’t there

c.both a and b                                    d.saw the runner running after him

(    )66.which is not right?

a.mr brown was foolish.                b.the runner was a thief.

c.the runner made a joke on mr brown.     d.the boxer didn’t know the runner at all.


most people make their living with their hands. but tom makes his living with his feet. a very good living it is, too.

tom’s story began in a very small city in england. his parents were very poor. seven people lived in their small house. tom had no place to play in but in the street.

tom’s father often played football, and little tom wanted to play football, too. so his father made a nice ball for him to play. the little boy played it every day.

at last tom learned to play a real football, and after a few years he could play football very well.

now to m is one of the best football players.

(  )1.tom made his living with his ______.

a. hands      b. head     c. feet      d. legs

(  )2.tom’s parents lived in a _____ city in english.

a. small      b. big      c. new      d. old

(  )3 . tom’s father ____a football for him to play.

a. bought     b. borrowed   c. built    d. made

(  )4. a few years later, tom was _____ at playing football.

a. well        b. good     c. bad      d. nice

(  )5. tom plays football _____ than many other players.

a. harder     b. worse     c. best     d. better



提示词:school band(校乐队)talented(有才华的)  favourite(最喜爱的)

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