


Computer 篇一

七年级上英语外研版 computers教学设计


本课以电脑为话题,围绕da ming与 lingling 的对话展开活动,内容涉及如何使用电脑完成作业、世界不同的地方的人们对电脑的使用程度等,既贴近生活,又开阔学生视野。在本模块的教学中,应充分利用学生在电脑方面的知识来促进英语学习,鼓励他们有效地利用电脑来学习。









1、掌握电脑方面的基本词汇,how to use computer ?




六、教具准备   多媒体       录音机        自制图片






1、switch on                2、 five kilos a day

3、stay healthy              4、save the document

5、downlond music from the internet

6、at the weekend



一、 听力训练


环节过渡:can you use the computer ?what do you want to do?




二、自主复习:uint 1——uint3


2、合作交流:小组内讨论环节1中的重点及疑难问题(pairwork and groupwork)了解不同国家和地区的人们使用电脑的情况

3、精讲点拨: how do i write my homework n the cmputer ?句型及其回答,一般现在时的特殊疑问句。


------how do i write my homework on the computer? 我怎么用电脑写作业?

------how do i save the document ? 我怎么保存文件?

------where do i write the name ? 我在哪里写名字?

------how do i print it ? 我怎么打印?

------where’s the printer ? 打印机在哪里?


上边这些句子,叫做特殊疑问句。how , when , where 等叫做疑问词,除去这些疑问词之后的句子叫                    。


a 将下列句子改为特殊疑问句。

1)do you open a new document ? (how)

2) does he play computer games ? (where)


i want to have a pet


she likes football .





a.使用鼠标 b上网 c打开电脑



(    )1. swich on the computer

(    ) 2. connect the monitor to the computer

(    ) 3.use the mouse

(    ) 4. click “new document ”

(    ) 5. save the document

(    ) 6. go online

2.we make travel plans on the computer .(改为一般疑问句)

plans on the computer? father uses the computer in the evening . (就划线部分提问)

father          the computer


great  (  )     good (   )     come on (   )

设计目的:本环节为重要内容,突出重点,解决难点,有的放矢,做好中考链接。激发学生学习热情,增强学习信心。 新颖的形式掀起第二次学习高潮,要求尽量背诵,可进行必要提示,以尊重学生个性,彰显人性化教学。


环节过渡:we know a lot about the computer


keyboard  monitor  mouse  printer  computer



print , connect , switch on , use , click , save



a.使用鼠标 b上网 c打开电脑



(    )1. swich on the computer

(    ) 2. connect the monitor to the computer

(    ) 3.use the mouse

(    ) 4. click “new document ”

(    ) 5. save the document

(    ) 6. go online

how to use the computer ?make your own conversation in your groups .








多少电子邮件                    发送邮件

上网                      拜访网站

下载音乐                     玩电子游戏


有人说,网络是一把双刃剑,令人欢喜,令人忧,假设你的学校将举行英文口语比赛,请你以how to keep safe on the internet为题写一篇发言稿,准备参加此次比赛。




we are already familiar with computers—computers work for us at home, in offices and in factories. but it is also true that many children today are using computers at schools before they can write. what does this mean for the future? are these children lucky or not?

many people who do not know about computers think of them as machines that children play with. they worry that children do not learn from experience but just from pressing a button and that this is not good for them. they think that children are growing not knowing about the real world.

but people who understand more about computers say that computers can be very good for children. a computer can help them to learn about the real world more quickly, to learn what they want to learn and think for themselves. and for the future, don’t we need people who can think clearly, who know how to get information quickly and use it well? what do you think?

1. “to be familiar with” means to ______.

a. know nothing       b. know about       c. dislike       d. like

2. does everyone think computers are good for children?(   )

a. yes, they do.   b. no, not everyone thinks so.c. they don’t know.  d. they are not sure.

3. what can computers help children to do?(      )

a. to think clearly, to do homework and to write.

b. to play games, to do math and to copy.

c. to think clearly, to get information and to use it well.

d. to count, to clean the house and to get information.

4. does the writer think computer is a good thing?(    )

a. it isn’t mentioned. b. no, he doesn’t think so.  c. he doesn’t know.  d. yes, he does.








Computer 篇二

第一步 作业检查

ask one or two students to talk about what ideas they put in their writing.

第二步 听力训练1(双人活动)

1. ask students to look at the 4 pictures of robots on page 55, and in pairs tell as many things as they can from the pictures.

2. listen to the tape, find out which three robots are mentioned, and then number them according to their appearance in the listening.

3. ask them to look at the boxes on page 55 before they listen to the tape again.

4. play the tape, and let students fill in the boxes.

5. let students ex-change the information in pairs.

6. let students have the correct answers.

7. play the tape again.

第三步 讨论1:你认为哪个机器人最适合你(小组活动)

1. write the expressions of giving opinions, reasoning and making a decision on the blackboard.

2. page 56 speaking task: ask them to finish the following 2 tasks in groups:

① list the advantages and disadvantages of each one.

② in groups of 4 discuss which one is the best for you. use the expressions of giving opinions, reasoning and making a decision.

3. share some ideas with the whole class.

第四步 听力训练2(小组合作;双人活动)

1. ask students to discuss the following questions:

① what can the androids do for our everyday life?

② what else can they do for human beings?

③ why can the androids do all these useful things for human beings?

④ what are the similarities between robots and human beings?

⑤ what are the differences between robots and human beings?

⑥ can androids become human beings in the future?

2. share some of the reports.

3. introduce the listening text on page 58.

one possible version:

we all believe that androids do not have their own feelings, but as we can see in some movies, many people imagine that androids can think as human beings do. suppose it is true, do you think they like to serve human beings or not? what do they hope we human beings to treat them? now we are going to listen to a dialogue between sally and brenda, two androids, and see how they say. in this dialogue, you may come to some new words, but just forget them, and focus on getting your answers.

4. page 58 listening, listen for twice. one student writes down the answers to “about their jobs”, “about changing their jobs” and “about who decides their future”; the other writes down the answers to “about how they are different from people” and “about how they are the same as people”。

5. ex-change the answers in groups.

6. let students have the correct answers.

7. listen to the tape again. and ask students to guess the chinese meaning of “break off”。

第五步 讨论2:机器人应有的权利(小组讨论)

1. give students the following situations:

suppose you can do something for the androids, what rights do you think androids should have so that they will be treated better?

2. ask students to discuss in groups, and on p58 list the rights that androids should have.

3. ask some of the students to report to the whole class.

第六步 作业布置

1. wb page 56-57, using words and expressions. dictionaries may be helpful when you come to some new words.

2. review the new words of this unit.

Computer 篇三

chapter 4 computer technology

(reading ii)




2. 灵活运用课文句型描述物品。

3. 课前完成对上一节课学习内容的复习。

4. 课堂听写重点单词1—15。


1. 通过复习、预习和小组讨论来自主学习。

2. 通过讲解,在具体情境中掌握语言(词汇、句型等)。

3. 通过精读课文,来仿例表达,描述物品。




[学习要求] 完成[课前复习与预习]部分练习,[课堂学习]部分为选做。


一。 复习课文新词,根据提示写出或翻译以下单词或词组。

1. 显示器____________________   2. 喇叭_______________________

3. 两个鼠标________  ___________  4. 打字_______________________

5. 键盘_________________________  6. 驱动器_____________________

7. flash disk ______________________  8. 控制________________________

9. 躲藏__________________________  10. 极小的_____________________

11. 打印_________________________  12. 意识到_____________________

13. 操作_________________________  14. rarely _______________________

15. 铁路_________________________  16. 法官________________________

17. 提出(问题)_________________  18. 不知道的 ______ ________ ____

19. 目前 ______ ________ _________  __________


p44. part a

1. use... for ..._______________   2. type in information _______________

3. control the computer _________________

hidden helpers

4. hardly ever. _______________    5. dependent on _______________

6. more... than … ______________________

what kind of jobs can a computer do?

7. in the world ____________________  8. at the moment _______________

9. rarely give wrong answers _________________________

10. teach sb. sth. __________________   11. play with __________________

12. more importantly ______________  13. for these reasons _____________

is a computer cleverer than i am?

14. the answer to this question _____________________________

15. create new ideas _______________  16. be able to ___________________

17. be better at doing sth ____________  18. change one’s life _____________

19. have nothing to do ______________

20. make our lives better or worse_____________________________________

p45 title

21 collect some information _____________________



i duty report and everyday english.

ii words dictation

iii homework checking and group learning


iv pre-reading

1. read the phrases.

2. game: who can read best?(revise the words and phrases.)

3. finish ex. c1 and c2.

iv while-reading

1. read the passage again and choose the right words to complete the passage.

tiny, type, hardly, operate, print, unaware, cleverer, better, being, lives, future, judges

not so many years ago, we could ________ ever see computers. but now they are everywhere. there are __________, hidden computers in your home, but you might be __________ of them.

computers can do a lot of things. they can calculate, ________, _________ and draw. more importantly, they can __________ railways and fly planes and spaceships.

a computer is not __________ than a man for the time _______. in the _________, they many even be ________ at doing their jobs than doctors, __________ and teachers. they will change our ________.

2. language points.

1) not many years ago, you hardly ever saw computers.

hardly ever: seldom


ex. his room is very dirty because he ___________________________________.

tony is a good student and he hardly ever ___________________________.

(gets late/ sleeps in class/ talks in class/ throws rubbish on the floor...)

2) you are more dependent on computers than you realize.

be dependent on: 依赖,依靠

ex. 年轻人不应该总是依赖父母。


realize: understand

ex. sometimes, we don’t ________ _________ ________ our parents love us.


he ____________ his mistake and ________  ________ _______ his parents.


3) ..., but you don’t be unaware of them.

be unaware of: don’t know about

ex. the mouse was unaware of the cat coming.

= ___________________________________________________________.

4) they are faster at calculating than people.


in the future, they may even be better at doing their jobs than doctors.

be better at doing sth. 在…(方面)做得更好

ex. people _______ ________  _____  __________  than ______________.


5) more importantly, they can operate railways and fly planes and spaceships.


important  (adj.)   importantly (adv.)

ex. books can relax us. more importantly, ____________________


6) for these reasons, we sometimes call them electronic brains.

for this reason: so

ex. ___________________, we should keep ____________ as a habit in our life.


7) the answer to this question is, for the time being, ‘no’.

the answer to the question   the key to the door

for the time being: at present

ex. 目前为此,没有很多人知道这个问题的答案。


8) this raises interesting questions.

raise: bring to our attention

ex. tony提出很多有关计算机的问题。


guess the chinese meaning.

every monday morning, we have flag-raising ceremony at school.

9) will we have nothing to do?

have nothing to do                have sth. to do

ex. are lily and you free tomorrow? yes, i have _______  ______  _______.

但是lily 有很多作业要做。

but lily _______  a lot of ____________  _____________  _________.

10) will computers make our lives better or worse in the future?

make sb/ sth +adj.

ex. 读书让我快乐。_______________________________________________.



3. revise the sentences.


依赖,依靠____________________  更重要的(是)____________________

没事可做______________________  使我们的生活更好__________________

由于这个原因__________________  bring to our attention _________________

at present ______________________  seldom ____________________________

don’t know about ________________ understand _________________________

v post- reading

writing---- books

写作说明:请仿照 what kind of jobs can a computer do?一文,以books 为题写一篇作文,要求写出书对人的重要性,书的作用等。字数80字左右。


1. does everyone realize how important books are?

2. why do you think books are like friends?

3. what are the advantages of reading?

参考词: realize, best friend/ teacher  more importantly,

for these reasons, make sb/ sth..., change our lives, have nothing to do

not many people like reading books. they don’t realize ________________________




discuss the last three questions in the text.

how will computers change our lives? will we have nothing to do? will computers make our lives better or worse in the future?


1. 完成写作

2. 根据下一份学讲稿要求完成听读写的作业。

Computer 篇四

unit 6  i’m going to study computer science知识点整理


1、grow up 长大,

2、every day每天,

3、be sure about对某事确信,

4、make sure 确信/有把握,


6、be able to 能/能够 ,

7、 the meaning of …的意思/含义,

8、 different kinds of 不同种类的,

9、in common通常,

10、 at the beginning of 在…开始的时候,

11、write down写下/记下,

12、 have to do with必须处理某事,

13、take up  开始从事/着手处理/接受,

14、 hardly ever 几乎不,



want to do sth. 想做某事,

be going to + 动词原形:将要做某事,

practice doing sth. 练习做某事,

keep on doing sth.继续做某事,

learn to do sth. 学会做某事,

finish doing sth做完某事,

promise to do sth.答应做某事,

help sb. to do sth.帮助某人做某事,

remember to do sth. 记住要做某事,

agree to do sth.同意做某事,

love to do sth.喜欢做某事,

be going to 的用法

1)   be going to + 动词原形——表示将来的打算、计划或安排。常与表示将来的tomorrow, next year等时间状语或when 引导的时间状语从句连用。各种句式变换都借助be 动词完成,be随主语有am, is, are 的变换,going to 后接动词原形。

肯定句: 主语 + be going to + 动词原形 + 其他。he is going to take the bus there.

否定句: 主语 + be not going to + 动词原形 + 其他 i’m not going to see my friends this weekend.

一般疑问句: be + 主语 + going to + 动词原形 + 其他

肯定回答: yes, 主语 + be.                   否定回答: no, 主语 + be not.

are you going to see your friends this weekend?   yes ,i am.   /    no, i’m not.

特殊疑问句: 疑问词 + be + 主语 + going to + 动词原形 + 其他?

what is he going to do this weekend?   when are you going to see your friends?

2) 如果表示计划去某地,可直接用 be going to + 地点

we are going to beijing for a holiday.

3) 表示位置移动的动词,如go , come, leave 等常用进行时表示将来。

the bus is coming.              my aunt is leaving for beijing next week.

4) be going to 与 will 的区别:

① 对未来事情的预测用“ will + 动词原形”表达,will 没有人称和数的变化,变否定句要在will 后面加not,

也可用will 后面加 not,或者缩略式won’t, 变一般疑问句将will 提至 句首。

will planes be large in the future?         yes, they will. /  no, they won’t.

②will 常表示说话人相信或希望要发生的事情,而be going to 指某事肯定发生,常表示事情很快就要发生。

i believe lucy will be a great doctor.

③ 陈述将来的某个事实用will.    i will ten years old next year.

④表示现在巨大将来要做的事情用 will.   i’m tired i will go to bed.

⑤ 表示意愿用will.     i’ll tell you the truth.

⑥ 表示计划、打算要做的事情用 be going to, 而不用 will.

i’m going to buy a computer this month.

---let’s discuss the plan, shall we?   ----not now. i ______ to an interview.  a. go  b. went   c. am going  d. was going

------jack is busy packing luggage.   ---yes. he ____for america on vacation.  a. leaves b. left  c. is leaving  d. has been away


what do you want to be when you grow up?                i want to be an engineer.

how are you going to do that?                       i’m going to study math really hard.

where are you going to work?                        i’m going to move to shanghai.

when are you going to start?              i’m going to start when i finish high school and college.


1 promise vt. 保证,许诺。有三种结构:

1)promise to do sth. ——my mother promised to buy a piano for me.

2)promise sb. sth.  ——my aunt promised me a bike.

3)promise + that 从句——tom promises that he can return on time.

promise n. 允诺, 诺言   lily is a dishonest girl. she never keeps a promise.

2.when 与 while 的区别:

when 表示“当…时候”,既指时间点,又指一段时间,when 引导的时间状语从句中的动词可以是终止性的也可以是延续性的。when the teacher came in, the students were talking.

when she arrives, i’ll call you.

while 表示“当…时候”,仅指一段时间,从句中的动作必须是延续性的,一般强调主从句的动作同时发生, while  还可以作并列连词,意为“ 而、却”,表示对比关系。

lisa was singing while her mother was playing piano.

tom is strong while his younger brother is week.

3. practice vt.  练习, 后接名词,代词或v-ing 作宾语。

your elder sister is practicing the guitar in the room.

常跟v-ing 作宾语的动词有:

考虑建议盼原谅:consider, suggest/advise, look forward to, excuse, pardon.

承认推迟没得想: admit, delay/put off, fancy.

避免错过继续练:avoid, miss, keep/keep on, practice.

否认完成能欣赏: deny, finish, enjoy, appreciate.

不禁介意与逃亡: can’t help , mind, escape.

不准冒险凭想象: forbid, risk, imagine.

4. everyday 与 every day 区别

everyday  adj. 每天的   在句中作定语,位于名词前。 this is our everyday homework.

every day  副词短语, 在句中作状语,位于句首或句末。 he reads books every day.

Computer 篇五

unit 3 computers

warming up, pre-reading and readingteaching aims1.knowledge aims(1)get the students to learn the useful and expressions in this part.(2)let students to learn about history and basic knowledge of computers.1. ability aimsdevelop students' reading abilities and let them learn different reading skills.3.emotion aim:arouse students' great interest in learning computers and let them learn to use the computers in their daily difficult and important points1.let the students learn more about history and basic knowledge of computers.2.get the students to learn different reading methods1. task-based teaching and learning3.discussion teaching procedures and ways step1.warming up task1: how much do you know about computers? (make a survey)       1. what does it mean?information technology2. how to speak 科学技术 in english?science and technology3. what does pc mean?personal computer 4. how to speak 人工智能 in english?artificial intelligence  5. what does pda mean? personal digital assistant to speak 笔记本电脑 in english?notebook computer/ laptop 7. what does w.w.w mean?world wide web8. what can computers be used to do in our daily life?……task2: what is it?   give some sentences to describe different kinds of calculating objects and some pictures to help the students to guess what it is? ① an old calculating machine used in china until abacus② it is a new calculating machine which can solve a large number of mathematical problems.a calculator③ it is built to solve some mathematical problems. but it is too big. a huge computer④ it is a computer which can solve all kinds of problems and is used widely now .a  pc / desktop ⑤ it is a kind of computer which can be taken conveniently(方便).a laptop / notebook computerstep2.pre-reading can you put these inventions in an order according to the time when they appeared?(     )  analytical machine(分析机)(     ) laptop(     ) calculating machine (计算机器)(     ) robot/android(     ) pc(     ) universal machine(通用机器)step3. reading (1)skimmingtask1. find out the topic sentences of each paragraph (p19.ex2)task2 .summarize the general idea of this passage.(2)scanningtask1. true or falsein 1642 i began as a calculating machine and could solve any mathematical problem. (f: solve any calculating problem)my real father was charles babbage, who wrote a book and build me in 1936.(f: alan turning)after i got my new transistors in the 1960s, i became smaller but cleverer and quicker.(t)i was brought into people's homes in the 1970s.(t)since my birth i have been built to take the place of human race.(f: build to serve human race)(3)careful- readingtask 1: look at the timeline below. fill in the blanks with information from the reading text.


the development of the computers


1822the analytical machine was made by charles babbage.


the first family of computers was connected to each other.


now1642: the computer began as a calculating machine1822: the analytical machine was made by charles babbage.1936: the computer grew rapidly both in size and in brainpower.1940s: the computers had grown as large as a room.1960s: the first family of computers was connected to each other. 1970s: computers were used in offices and homesnow: computers connect people all over the world together.step4. conclusion of the text  how did computers develop?   a calculating machine   →_____________→  _________________→_________________→________________→_____________→  ________________→________________→_ many new applications

Computer 篇六

module 10 computers










熟练掌握有关电脑的词汇及用语,掌握一般现在时的用法,领会并熟悉掌握/t∫/ 的发音












1有关电脑的词:computer,keyboard,monitor,mouse,printer,document,laptop, website,






1. how do you open a new document ? you often go online ?

3. what do you usually do on your computer ?

4. he checks the train timetable but he doesn’t buy tickets .


1.what’s the mouse ?

2.what do i do next ? do i print it ? you have a computer at home ?

四。教学理念 :



句 的语言知识结构的学习,以一种循序渐进的交际性的学习程序引导学生学会运用这个



1、 充分利用学生已有知识和经验,创设生活化的真实情境和半真实情境,引导学生在

2、 运用语言中学      习语言,然后在学习新的语言知识后创造性地运用语言。(为用而学,在用中学,学了就用)




第一课时 (listening and speaking )

unit1 how do i write my homework on the computer ?

第二课时 (reading and vocabulary )

unit 2 how often do you use a computer ?

第三课时 (语言运用)

unit 3   language in use

第四课时  (练习巩固及课外知识拓展)  module 10, workbook

七 各课时具体教学安排

第一课时 how do i write my homework on the computer?

教学内容: how do i write my homework on the computer?

教材分析: this unit is focused on computer

学情分析: more than 90% students can use computer nowadays. it’s new for students to

know computer knowledge in english.

教学目标: to get to know basic words about computer. to understand the dialogueto learn

how to give instructions

教学重点:computer knowledgegive instructions. learn to use four words in writing ---

first/ next/ then/ finally

设计思路: give students pre-tasks to get to know the computer words in english start with

words first. then listen and read the conversation. finally, answer the questions.


step1: warming up.

step2: get the students to talk about the development of exchanging information, present the

new word computer. learn the parts of the computer.

step3: listen and number the words as the students hear them

step4: complete these sentences with these words.

step5: listen and answer,then listen to the dialogue and number the instructions in the correct find these words in the conversation. write the words they go in pairs.last listen and read.

step6 : discussion how the students write their homework on the computer? work in pairs .

step7: do some exercises .

step8: language points .

step9: homework

1. read activity 4.

2.use computer to write an article “ computer in my life”

第二课时 how often do you use a computer

教学内容:  how often do you use a computer?

教材分析:  this unit is also focused on computer.

学情分析:  students have had the basic knowledge of computer.

教学目标:  to understand the reading

教学重点:  reading and writing skills.

the usage of “but”

special questions--- how often/how many/ what/ when

设计思路:  share students’ writings in class. compare with the reading of the textbook. is it important for people to use computers in their daily life? how often do they use a computer?

how about you?


step1: warming up .review the content in unit one .

step2: match the questions with the people who answer them .first give the students the answers ,then let them find the questions .

step3: now please read the text again. which words are new to you?please underline them.

step4: making new phrases .

step5: read the people and their computer again ,then tell the following sentences “true” or“false”。

step6: practice "which word "? let the student choose the right word according to the sentences.

step7 : look at these sentences .then according to the model ,join the two parts of the sentences with "but".

step8: make a list of your favourite websites. work with a partner. discuss why you like these

websites. what do you use them for?

step9: write sentences about what you do and don’t do on your computer . use “but”

eg: i play games but i don’t send emails .

step10: homework 6-7 on page 109 & 11 on p110 of workbook.

2.write no. 13 on p111 (workbook) on exercise book.

第三课时     language in use

教学内容: language in use.

教材分析: this unit is focused on grammar.

lexis- verb phrases .syntactic structure for present simple

学情分析: students have known something about verb phrases in last unit consolidate the knowledge they have known.

教学目标: general question and special question in present simple

the adverbs of frequency---usually/ often

教学重点: lexis- verb phrases

consolidate present simple: affirmative/ negative and interrogative sentences

设计思路: warming-up with activity 4 & 5.

review the reading in unit 2 activity1.

make a questionnaire with these questions. write the name of the person, and make notes on the answers.


step 1: warming up .have a revision .

step2 :language practice:what do you usually on your computer?

how many emails do you send?

do you often go online?

do you make travel plans on the internet?

step3:ask and answer. use usually and often.

step4:can you read them correctly?grasp the sounds /ts/ /s/  /z/ /iz/ /dz/

step5:fill in the blanks.learn to use "don't" and "doesn't"

step 6 : match the words

step7: around the world .discuss what  we can use computers for?

step8: module task: doing a questionnaire about computers .then ask the questions in your questionnaire.make notes of the answers of your classmates.talkabout the answers to your questionnaire

step 9 homework:   finish off all the exercises on the workbook.


以配套练习workbook 为主,展开知识巩固和深化,并做词汇、语法概念的补充,


step1: warm-up 热身房

listen and chant 听听说说

my computer---

has a mouse (click click)[snap fingers]

has a mouse (click click)[snap fingers]

and the mouse hangs out on the mouse-pad!

the mouse-pad (whut, whew) [pat knees]

the mouse-pad (whut, whew) [pat knees]

the mouse-pad sits next to the keyboard.

long keyboard (tickety tack) [pretend to be typing]

long keyboard (tickety tack) [pretend to be typing]

keyboard talks to the brain box.

brain box thinks (cpu!) [finger on temple]

brain box thinks (cpu!) [finger on temple]

brain box shows us on the monitor.

monitor shows (whew, whee) [wave hands]

monitor shows (whew, whee) [wave hands]

monitor shows us all we can see!

step2:listen and know the english teenagers how to use the computer .

step3: fill in the blanks with the given words .pay attention the right forms .

step4:finish the following dialogue .

step5:have a competition . words competition

step6:discussion" what are the advantages and disadvantages of computer?" work in groups.

step7:culture corner .intrduce "bill gates " and some signs about computers.

step8: creative work .imagine what computers will be like in the future

step9: homework

1. listen to the tape and repeat after the tape at home.

2. make sentences according to the key words of part 4

3. learn to send an email to a foreign friend

Computer 篇七


Teaching aims and demands

本单元有关电脑的知识使用学生对其有一个初步的了解。让学生了解有关中国民航运用计算机的情况。并学习如何使用向对方提建议的口语练习,通过单词的学习掌握go up, bring down, prefer to and, but although等词的用法。本单元的语法重点是现在完成时被动语态的使用,要求学生能够了解和掌握。

Teaching important and difficult points

1.Important Vocabulary:

although, waste, believe, necessary, passenger, record, at one time, greatly, correct, complete, decision, abroad, change for

2. Daily Expressions:

First of all, …

I believe…

Any reason?

3. Useful phrases:

It would be a waste of …

In my opinion, we should …

4. Grammar

The present perfect passive voice.


1. 通过对话练习,进行两个人之间对建议和推荐的用法。

2. 通过课文的学习,掌握本单元的词和词组的用法。

3. 通过对课外补充文章的学习,对计算机的历史和应用有所了解。

Lesson 33: 口头练习:对话交际功能——日常生活用语。

Lesson 34: 学生进行对文章编成对话练习。练习直接引语变间接引语。

Lesson 35: 学生继续练习对话。可以扮演CAAC的领导和记者,或计算机经销商和单位领导,或电视节目主持人和中学生等等。

Lesson 36: 笔头练习:让学生写一篇关于自己生活中计算机的使用的文章,或对计算机在人们生活中应用的畅想。


本单元的对话的特点是通过两个人对买何种计算机的讨论,从而掌握如何进行对一个物品进行评价、表达自己的观点,并提出建议。比如常见的口语用法:In my opinion, we should… / What’s your opinion?/ I don’t think it’s necessary to …/ I believe …/ I still think … 就在这个对话中经常出现。同时还有很多其它有用的口语,比如:First of all…/ in a few years’ time/ a waste of …/ make a decision/ not … any more

本单元的课文不仅讲述了计算机的应用对CAAC的帮助,而且中间穿插了很多现在完成进行时的被动语态的用法,使得学生能够正确地掌握这个语法的用法。同时对一些常见词和短语进行理解。比如:join, be used to do, thanks to, abroad, spend… on sth., prefer to do, welcome.


1. Today they are talking about buying a new computer. 今天他们谈论买一个计算机。

这里的talk about的意思是“谈论;谈及到;讨论”,后面通常加上名词或动名词。

We talked about it yesterday.

I want to talk about the price of the car with you.

2. Did you find out the price for the IBM PC 486? 你找出IBM PC 486的价格了么?

这里的词组find out和find都是表示“找出”,都是一个结果。但是两种也有区别:如果表示意外发现,通常用find。比如:

I found this wallet outside the classroom.

What did you find just now?

如果要表示经过一番努力或研究得出的结果的时候,find和find out都可以,但通常用后者。比如:

I finally found out the secret of his death.

She wanted to find out the real answer to the question.

3. I’ve got the information for all the computers now. 我已经得到了所有计算机的信息了。


Do you have any information about the new machine.

4. In my opinion, we should buy the IBM PC 586. 依我看来,我们应该买IBM PC 586。

这里的in one’s opinion表示的意思是“依…来看;…的意见是”。需要注意两点:1)后面不加I/he…think(s)。不像中文里可以说“依我看来,我觉得…”。在英语中这两种用法不同时出现。比如:

In my opinion, you are the best student. 不能说成 In my opinion, I think you are the best student.


In my opinion, the earth is round. (错误句子)。

In my opinion, you are right. (正确句子)

5. If we buy the smaller one, the IBM PC 486, we might have to change it in a few years’ time for a bigger one. 如果我们现在要是买了the IBM PC 486,几年以后我们肯定要换一个更大的计算机。

这里的词组change… for…表示的意思是“将…换成…”。比如:

I want to change this small hat for a bigger one.

6. I hope we can make a decision today. 我希望我们今天能做出决定。

这里的词组是make a decision(做出决定)。等于decide to do。比如:

Did they make a decision yesterday?

另外也可以用come to a decision, arrive at a decision来表示同样的意思。比如:

They finally came to a decision at the meeting.

7. It is used to record the tickets which passengers buy. 它还记录下游客购票的情况。

句子中的be used to的意思是“被用来…”,是一个被动语态,后面加上动词原型。

The water her is used to make the trees alive.s are used here to play games on.

8. Now it is possible to find out much faster which planes are full. 现在要找到哪架飞机满了比以前要快多了。

这里用了一个much表示一个程度。通常在much, even和still后面加上一个形容词或副词的比较级形式。比如:

I am much heavier than before.

She is much happier than she was two years ago.

9. Thanks to the new computer, the passengers at the offices of the CAAC can now buy their aeroplane tickets much faster. 由于使用了新的计算机,乘客在中国民航购票快多了。

句子中的thanks to是一个常见的短语,表示“由于;幸亏”,相当于because of, 或者as a result of表示原因。比如:

Thanks to your help, I was able to win the game.

They lost the game thanks to the foolish advice you gave them.

10. At one time, there were long queues of people waiting outside the CAAC offices. 以前,中国民航办公室前等着购票的人们排成长长的队列。

词组at one time表示的意思是“以前;曾经”。比如:

At one time we met each other every day.

He went to that restaurant to have dinner at one time.

11. These people will be welcome on our planes. 我们欢迎这些人来乘坐我们的飞机。


You are welcome to do anything you like.

Welcome to Beijing.


They received a cold welcome when they arrived.


All the students welcomed the visiting friends at the school gate.

12. In my opinion, we should buy the IBM PC 586. 依我看来,我们应该买IBM PC 586。


I should go home before 6 o’clock.

You should not ask others to do your homework.

13. If we buy the smaller one, the IBM PC 486, we might have to change it in a few years’ time for a bigger one. 如果我们现在要是买了IBM PC 486,几年以后我们肯定要换一个更大的计算机。

这里的if是一个条件句。后面出现的两个逗号之间的东西从位置上说是一个插入语,从成份上来说是一个同位语,是对前面的名词the smaller one进行解释。我们通常用一个名词性短语或从句来作为同位语

14. I don’t think I it’s necessary to buy the bigger one.我想没必要买较大的那个。

我们通常在think, suppose, expect, imagine等表示心理活动的动词后面不加否定含义的宾语从句。如果后面的从句使一个否定句,我们常常将从句谓语动词的否定是转移到主句的谓语动词之前。比如:

I don’t think I can get away at the moment.

I don’t suppose you need to worry.

I don’t think I know you.

15. The IBM PC 486 will be big enough for us. IBM PC 486对我们来说就够大的了。


I don’t have enough money to buy a house.

I am not rich enough to buy a house.

16. We mustn’t waste any more time. 我们不可以在浪费更多的时间了。


You mustn’t talk in class. It is not a good habit.

We mustn’t go there because it is dangerous.

17. We must decide which one to buy. 我们必须决定买哪一个。

这里的which one to buy为特殊不定式短语,在句子中做decide的宾语。特殊不定式的构成形式为“关系代词或关系副词+动词不定式”。常用的关系代词有:what, which, who, whether等;常用的关系副词有how, when, where, why等。比如:

We haven’t decided what to do next.

I don’t know how to write in English.

I will ask when to start tomorrow morning.

She will ask where to live.

18. At one time, there were long queues of people waiting outside the CAAC offices. 以前,中国民航办公室前等着购票的人们排成长长的队列。


The foreigner talking with our teacher is head of the visiting group.

The man running after the bus is a friend of mine.

19. As a result, the number of people who travel by plane in China is larger than ever before. 因此,在中国乘飞机旅行的人数比以往多了。

这句话中的as a result的作用相当于一个副词,意思相当于so。比如:

He hurt himself. As a result, he couldn’t go to school.

这句话中的the number of 的中心词是number,说明谓语动词肯定是单数的。比如:

The number of the books in this bookshop is more than 200,000.

20. 我们在很多句子中都用一个代词来代替前面提到的名词,常见的有one, it和that。这三个词都是代词的时候的区别:

1, one=a/an +noun 所代表的是前面提到的同类中的任何一个

He has no book and no money to buy one.

The hat is too small. Please show me a larger one.

2, it=the/this/that/adj.+ noun 指同一件事物

He has a book, but he will not lend it to me.

I drank some iced water, but it made me more thirsty.

3, that =the + noun 指前面所提到的同一类中的另外制定的一个。

The air of the country is purer than that of the city.


I cannot find my umbrella; I think I must buy one.

I cannot find umbrella; I don’t know where I put it.

The umbrella you bought is cheaper than that I bought.


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